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Excuse me for popping up just to say the following, but why is Gamer rarely taken seriously when it comes to this?

To this day, I've seen countless occasions of him being practically "bullied" whenever a nude pic or thumbnail shows up. And other times, users are just being mean at him. A really important example from the page of La Collectionneuse (1967): him being told "shut the f*** up, you poor a**hole" by DidierF. :heink: That makes someone's day, doesn't it? (I'm also very creeped out by his so-called prediction of "Gamer killing women and carving Svastikas on them in three years", seen at the very top of this page.)

Sorry again, but it's things like these that don't make me see IMCDb as "a good place". :ohwell: That's all I had to say. Forgive me for taking so long to say this, for bumping this topic after two months, for not minding my own business, etc. (P.S.: I'm not trying to "attack" anybody, I just want to say what irritates me and that's it. I know bullying when I see it.) *leaves*
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