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Well I guess since this topic's been reopened, and I now own a different car I can respond again!

I guess my favorite would be this one, I just love the color:

Though this one is quite nice too:
Yes that PV from the Frighteners movie looks pretty much like mine too.

No I didn't receive schooling to become a mechanic.
I started tinkering on my moped when I was 15 and knew pretty soon every part in the engine and so on.
I was trusted to fix some friends mopeds when they broke down.
My first car (a Volvo 240) was in a sad state and I had to fix it all the time to have it runnig.
So learning by doing... :smile:

And on the convertibles, we read a whole lot about similar projects so we knew how it was supposed to be done. Both of us have schooling in welding though.
On the first convertible we were five people and on the second we were two people.
Both took 5-7 days to build.
Atom, I really like your Volvo PV 544. The Frighteners, that you posted pictures for is a movie I liked with it:

By the way, did you receive schooling to become a mechanic? Or do you just really know how to work on cars? I was just wondering because it seems like you built those Volvo convertibles really well. Sorry if you mentioned this earlier on the forums and I missed it.

I want to see Body of Lies because there are two second-generation Pajeros used in it. I think both of them explode:

Initially I forgot to mention Blood Diamond and how it's incredible that all three main characters in a very highly rated movie are in a second-generation Pajero.

Oddly enough, Leonardo DiCaprio is in two movies in a row with second-generation pajeros, and Body of Lies supposedly has two! I can't wait to see it when it comes out on DVD because I missed it in the theaters. Although, I know they both explode which will be sad. I guess the Pajero in Blood Diamond gets completely shot up too.
Never Been Kissed (1999)
My car is burgundy in color with tan leather interior and alloy wheels. This car is the same color at least on the exterior:
Mad Money (2008)
This is my favourite Volvo PV 544 in any movie/TV-Series since it's a joke about the PV and EVERY time I mention that I own a PV I hear that joke...

As I mentioned on this page I have been looking for one, and now I have one!

When I bought that one I also got one of these at the same time:
But mine is atleast two years newer.

Here is my favourite picture of Kadett B that is on the site, but mine is a 2-door sedan:
only one of my dads car in a movie
Underbelly (2008)
All other Fairlnaes are the wrong generation

At the top it says it was introduced at the start of the 1991 Pajero which is the same as my 1993 Montero.
you have an automatic SUV? and you use it off road and it is automatic? isnt a manual better for this? so you can always have it in low gears?
Neptune, I guess in my case I included pictures of 80s Pajero's and a 1995 Montero LS. None of these are the same as my 1993 Montero SR. The SR has leather seats etc. which the guy in the picture doesn't (even though he has many modifications that I don't!). I guess I just meant Expeditions in general and not the specific model. I don't think I've ever pinpointed a gray/black Montero SR like mine in any movies yet. My car is automatic but you have to manually shift into 4 wheel drive of course. I'm in my early twenties and I've never actually driven a manual on a road (just in parking lots). Both of my parents had automatics when I was growing up even though they both had manuals before. Now my dad drives a manual 2006 Honda Accord coupe. He let my drive it around and I was able to do it fine. I was too in love with the Montero when I found it to worry about it being manual or automatic!

You don't own your own car? Oh, that's too bad, especially for a car lover like yourself :sad: Why not, if I might ask? You're grown up right? I mean, you're not just a teenager with no money or job like I am? :grin: Although I suppose there are quite a few Europeans that are adults with jobs but still don't own their own car. It'd be hard to find a person like that here in America. You kind of need a car to get around here, plus it's not as inconvienent to park and pay for gas as it is in Europe. But still, so sad you don't have your own car. What kind would you like to get if you do one day buy a car? Btw, what is the car on your avatar? I do not recognize it...

Sadly i dont, no, and yes its bad to me, well you said it all, being a car lvoer but yet i dont own my own vehicle, and the answer why i dont is too simple, because i cant afford one, i dont work at the moment, so i dont have a salary to pay a car and the insurance etc.

In Europe, or better, in Spain, it is not as common as in USA for example to get a job as soon as you can, here unless you need it nobody gets a job early, you first study and then work, unless your purpose is to go to university and your family cannot afford it so you have no other chance than getting a job, right now i dont have one, i want yet to study something before starting to work somewhere seriously, anyway, as you say, here not everybody owns a car, most of the people do, but not everybody, one reason is what Antoine says, here distances arent as long as in an american city could be, because the majority of cities in Spain are nto as big, unless you live in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and other important large cities, the rest are still cities but smaller, in USA you would even call them towns, so sometimes if you have a bus that takes you to your job ou dont ened a car, and what is more, the bus will be cheaper.

Anyway, although right now i dont really "need" one of course i madly want one, its my passion, and sometimes when i want to go to the capital city of my region i think i wish i had one, so i dont have to be with buses, the car gives you more freedom that's obvious and everybody knows it.

I dont know when will i have one or when will illl be able to afford one, and if i wanted to own one you ask? hmm, i like so many that it would be a thing of searchign propertly, my dream would be a second hand american car, i love them,and i'd like to own a car that would stand out, like an ElDorado from the latest ones, the thing is that something american would be ok, but i dont live in Madrid but in a small region in the north, so finding an american car is more difficult, so being realist, i'd have to own a normal european car, whether new or second hand, i dont know, but that's it, my dream? american car, the reality? a normal european car, also if possible, as i told you up there, i'd love it to be automatic, but then, even the automatic versions of certain european cars arent very powerfull so you lose power specially when going fast like in motorways... so i dont know what would i do, they are also more expensive than the normal car with a manual change.

The car in the avatar is the car i drive now, which is my dad's Peugeot 406, i like the car, but i dont like its engine, nor its gear box, its quite slow on the motorway due to its poor engine, and sometimes that gets me on my nerves, like when i want to overtake someone and it takes a life to do it, the gear box its not precise which makes me nto to enjoy its driving much, i have driven other cars in my family, like my uncle's Fiat Stilo or my other uncle's Volkswagen Polo, i really like these two, specially the Polo, its gear box is incredibly soft, its a ncie car to drive yet not very powerful, but that's it, i have to be happy with what i have for the moment, still better than nothing i suppose, although i cannot get it alyways i need to or want to :ohwell:

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