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Volvo gang take notice

What's really cool to me is the show maintains the theme of the paintings, where these machines are only semi-prominent. Sometimes they're doing something cool, ut a lot of the time they're as ubiquitous as mountains and apartment buildings, content to be part of the vibe rather than the focus of the audience.
You could argue the excellent vintage cars used in the amazon show are just as much a part of the vibe as the sci-fi buildings and behemoth robots :)) They're a big factor in the artists work also.

awesome !

I've got a good bunch of vehicles uploaded waiting on admin approval. I did the best I could with ID's but there are some oddballs XD
I've just captured stills from ep1-4 and I'm working on adding them in the forum now. bear with me it's been a while since bbcode was a thing for me
Really digging the abundance of late eighties, european, and classic american car in this show. They're primarily window dressing, and the sci-fi nature of the show means a lot of thm have odd accessories like hyrdaulic arms coming up out of th roof
I created an account because it looks like we don't have a page for the show. Hope you guys give it a watch.

I created an account because it looks like we don't have a page for the show. Hope you guys give it a watch.