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but I noticed they were rarely added (or at least only a couple of them), so I stopped

Same for me, i used to add ( in comments ) the French-Canadian title when different from the French one before i was admin but only a very few were ever added so i stopped.

I do add them from time to time when i see them in comments but sometimes i just don't take the time to look if there was a comment about AKAs or if there is already a few i just suppose they're already added..
Not everyone has time for making captures, or technical capacity etc.
Some prefer maybe just identify vehicles.
I used to contribute a lot, when I was watching series and movies alone, but when watching with someone else it is not possible to make captures while watching (and it takes a lot of time to make captures afterwards).
Hi all,

Question posed to all members. Why do certain contributors only list the main title and never add AKAs?

My question is, why do some members of the site only post comments but never contribute photos? Some members I came across had hundreds of pages of comments but not a single contribution.
For non-latin titles, cf this post I recently made in admin section about these characters:
All what is not latin-based should be put in comments for the moment.
I should change the database encoding to unicode to allow any character (so many things to do with so little time...) to allow a good handling of all these exotic characters.
Currently it can only store characters from ISO-9959-1:
Which includes most of the characters used in Western Europe (except French œ/Œ dropped for some reason from the first drafts, or uppercase ÿ).
If a character other than those listed there is entered in a field, it is converted in a HTML entity:

where number = its unicode number, usually 4 or 5 digits.
Meaning it takes the same space as 7 or 8 basic characters.
It is OK for just one or two special character in a title for movies from Eastern Europe for example, but when all the characters have to be encoded that way you quickly reach the max lenght of the field.
It will work for short movie titles though.

For some car makes, the special character is removed for storage and then added for display.
Like if you enter Skoda or Škoda, it is stored as Skoda then displayed as Škoda.
But it is not the case for all, I only did that for the main ones.
There has always been an issue with this. I remember we used to only like to add ones from the most notable countries so it wasn't a big unsightly list on the movie page, but I think that has softened. I think non-Latin characters are still a no, though?

FWIW relating to Alex's comment, if someone leaves a list when they add a movie, I will add them if I validate it, but really I am less involved with validation now.
Problem is that there should be a validation if everyone can add/modify these, which then requires many code / pages for that small feature.
A good compromise would be that a user can add aka titles as long as there are no vehicles (or only vehicles pending validation), as an admin will then see the page.
It would be easy to do, I'll add it to my list.
If this is the case maybe @antp can chime in as to why non-admins can't add AKAs? Was there an issue years in the past that I don't know about?
I'm not an admin and I never saw the possibility to add the AKAs. For some time I pasted them all from IMDb in the main page comments, but I noticed they were rarely added (or at least only a couple of them), so I stopped, also because this generated too long comments
Hi all,

Question posed to all members. Why do certain contributors only list the main title and never add AKAs?

Is this something normal contributors cannot do? (I can't remember since I am admin for years now and I never contributed anything prior to admin status).

Reason I ask is because I find almost every entry I come across lacks the complete list of AKAs on IMDb.

I also am running into this issue with DVDs sold in my home country that were released elsewhere under different names. I ran into this recently with 'The Blind King' being sold here as 'Dark Silence'. I had a really tough time even finding that movie on imdb.

Just wanted to see why contributors might be avoiding adding AKAs or maybe their isn't a way for a non-admin to add them?

I have been trying to add as many as I can when I am on my computer. The task becomes rather daunting when viewing the site on a cell phone and trying to company and paste the different languages over into our database.

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