Contributions » How you can submit pictures
How you can submit pictures
Published 23/09/2006 @ 11:26:50, By antp
The best way to submit pictures is to directly add them yourself on the site. You just need to register on the site and you are ready.
You can find few guidelines here below, and basic explanation on that page:
This feature is new, so it is not yet well documented. I'll improve that later.
Other solution is to create a topic on this "contributions" section of the forum, with the movie title as topic title.
For that, use the "new topic" link on the topic list, or click the following link:
If possible, it is easier for us if you include the IMCDb link of the movie, or the IMDB link if the movie is not yet on IMCDb.
To submit pictures on the forum, use a picture hosting site like to upload your pictures, then paste in your message the link called "thumbnail for forums (1)" to make a miniature image appear in your topic.
If you do not want to register on the site or on the forum, you can simply send the files by e-mail.
Create a zip file containing your pictures and send it to " contrib @ "
It may take some time before e-mail or forum contributions are processed, especially when lots are already waiting.
About pictures compression/encoding:
Recommended format is JPEG.
If possible, remove black borders and check that aspect ratio is correct (i.e. that height & width are correct so that wheels are round for a car seen from the side).
Ratio (width/height) usually have the following values:
1.33 = standard 4:3 picture (TV-show, very old movies, series, ...)
1.66 = some more recent series
1.85 = lots of widescreen movies
2.35 = most recent movies that are made for an even larger screen.
Usually on widescreen DVD the picture is stored with a 16/9 ratio: that gives 1.77, which correspond to the picture ratio with the black borders. So an alternative system is to resize to 1.77 ratio and cut the borders after that.
In the case that the picture is ready to use (i.e. no borders & correct ratio) here are the limitations of the site: 720 pixels wide for DVD quality, 640 pixels wide (or below) for lower quality pictures; HD pictures can go up to 960 pixels wide and 498 pixels in height.
Size for pictures is limited too, usually a widescreen DVD-quality picture should be around 40-50 KB.
Smaller files are around 30-40 KB, and can fall around 15 KB for small VideoCD-size pictures.
In most of the image programs, this correspond to 85% quality setting (or 15% compression, depending on the program used).
See for more details about picture sizes.
If your pictures do not have the right width/height ratio or still have the black borders and that you can't correct that, then it is better to not compress it too much, so there will not be too much quality loose when we process it.
If you do not have a program to resize/compress pictures, I recommend to get XnView.
If you are unsure of which setting to use and if your pictures are correct, do not hesitate to post a test pic so we can give you info for the next ones.
Small XnView tutorial made previously on another topic
Latest Edition: 07/11/2013 @ 13:57:40
You can find few guidelines here below, and basic explanation on that page:
This feature is new, so it is not yet well documented. I'll improve that later.
Other solution is to create a topic on this "contributions" section of the forum, with the movie title as topic title.
For that, use the "new topic" link on the topic list, or click the following link:
If possible, it is easier for us if you include the IMCDb link of the movie, or the IMDB link if the movie is not yet on IMCDb.
To submit pictures on the forum, use a picture hosting site like to upload your pictures, then paste in your message the link called "thumbnail for forums (1)" to make a miniature image appear in your topic.
If you do not want to register on the site or on the forum, you can simply send the files by e-mail.
Create a zip file containing your pictures and send it to " contrib @ "
It may take some time before e-mail or forum contributions are processed, especially when lots are already waiting.
About pictures compression/encoding:
Recommended format is JPEG.
If possible, remove black borders and check that aspect ratio is correct (i.e. that height & width are correct so that wheels are round for a car seen from the side).
Ratio (width/height) usually have the following values:
1.33 = standard 4:3 picture (TV-show, very old movies, series, ...)
1.66 = some more recent series
1.85 = lots of widescreen movies
2.35 = most recent movies that are made for an even larger screen.
Usually on widescreen DVD the picture is stored with a 16/9 ratio: that gives 1.77, which correspond to the picture ratio with the black borders. So an alternative system is to resize to 1.77 ratio and cut the borders after that.
In the case that the picture is ready to use (i.e. no borders & correct ratio) here are the limitations of the site: 720 pixels wide for DVD quality, 640 pixels wide (or below) for lower quality pictures; HD pictures can go up to 960 pixels wide and 498 pixels in height.
Size for pictures is limited too, usually a widescreen DVD-quality picture should be around 40-50 KB.
Smaller files are around 30-40 KB, and can fall around 15 KB for small VideoCD-size pictures.
In most of the image programs, this correspond to 85% quality setting (or 15% compression, depending on the program used).
See for more details about picture sizes.
If your pictures do not have the right width/height ratio or still have the black borders and that you can't correct that, then it is better to not compress it too much, so there will not be too much quality loose when we process it.
If you do not have a program to resize/compress pictures, I recommend to get XnView.
If you are unsure of which setting to use and if your pictures are correct, do not hesitate to post a test pic so we can give you info for the next ones.
Small XnView tutorial made previously on another topic
To resize and compress pictures, use xnview for example.
Launch the program, browse to the folder in which are your files, select all files, go to "Tools" menu -> "Batch processing".
It should then list in that window all the files that you selected at the step before.
Possibly adjust the output directory (here I have set same as input, "e:\01" which is my temp folder), select JPEG as format, click "options" on the right
If your pictures are already in JPEG format, I recommend to select another directory as output, so you can make few tries (else your original images will be overwritten, and if you put a wrong setting they are lost)
adjust the slider to have quality set at 80 instead of default (95?), enable the "progressive" option (makes a little smaller files), then "ok".
Back in the "batch processing" window, now open the "transformations" tab/page.
If your pictures have back borders you'll have to use the "crop" action - tell me if you need info about that, I can add these
To resize the pics if they are bigger than 720 pixels wide (which is the case with PowerDVD if I am right), select the "resize" action and click "add" :
Enter 720 in the "width" field.
If the ratio is already good (i.e. pictures are not too flat or too high) you do not have to fill the "height" field, and just keep the "keep ratio" option.
Else you have to uncheck that option and enter the right height depending on the movie.
Height = Width / ratio, with ratio being one of the following in most of the cases:
1.25 (some very old stuff)
1.33 (fullscreen tv)
1.66 (some tv series)
1.77 (widescreen 16:9 tv, usually matches images with black border, not common on pictures where black borders are already removed)
1.85 (movies)
2.35 (movies)
Click "go" and you should get your images converted
Uncheck the "close..." option just above the "go" button if you want to make few tries without re-entering settings each time.
Launch the program, browse to the folder in which are your files, select all files, go to "Tools" menu -> "Batch processing".
It should then list in that window all the files that you selected at the step before.

Possibly adjust the output directory (here I have set same as input, "e:\01" which is my temp folder), select JPEG as format, click "options" on the right
If your pictures are already in JPEG format, I recommend to select another directory as output, so you can make few tries (else your original images will be overwritten, and if you put a wrong setting they are lost)

adjust the slider to have quality set at 80 instead of default (95?), enable the "progressive" option (makes a little smaller files), then "ok".
Back in the "batch processing" window, now open the "transformations" tab/page.
If your pictures have back borders you'll have to use the "crop" action - tell me if you need info about that, I can add these
To resize the pics if they are bigger than 720 pixels wide (which is the case with PowerDVD if I am right), select the "resize" action and click "add" :

Enter 720 in the "width" field.
If the ratio is already good (i.e. pictures are not too flat or too high) you do not have to fill the "height" field, and just keep the "keep ratio" option.
Else you have to uncheck that option and enter the right height depending on the movie.
Height = Width / ratio, with ratio being one of the following in most of the cases:
1.25 (some very old stuff)
1.33 (fullscreen tv)
1.66 (some tv series)
1.77 (widescreen 16:9 tv, usually matches images with black border, not common on pictures where black borders are already removed)
1.85 (movies)
2.35 (movies)
Click "go" and you should get your images converted
Uncheck the "close..." option just above the "go" button if you want to make few tries without re-entering settings each time.
Latest Edition: 07/11/2013 @ 13:57:40
How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Published 29/09/2006 @ 14:52:57, By garco
Maybe it's also a good idea to give te stars in the filename?
So: 4_Cadillac.jpg or 3_snapshotxxxx.jpg
So: 4_Cadillac.jpg or 3_snapshotxxxx.jpg
How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Published 29/09/2006 @ 16:01:38, By antp
Yes, the more explicit possible names are better.
How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Published 29/09/2006 @ 23:43:34, By garco
Or as weasel1984 does it, first make a directory structure with 1 star, 2 star-maps etc. Then zip the main directory.
How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Published 14/10/2006 @ 20:39:12, By DIEHARD
For people that like to add Music Video's, please also list the release date of the video!
How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Published 31/10/2006 @ 16:21:43, By DIEHARD
For admin's nice tool to reuse pictures from imageshack (or other) in the comments:
You can easily get thumbnails of non-thumbail pictures using
You can easily get thumbnails of non-thumbail pictures using
How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Published 31/10/2006 @ 17:13:03, By antp
Note that for heavy PNG pictures it is better to not reuse these images, but to convert to JPEG & reupload.
Latest Edition: 03/09/2007 @ 11:55:18
Latest Edition: 03/09/2007 @ 11:55:18
How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Published 09/12/2006 @ 18:13:48, By stronghold
I think it would be a good idea to limit the ammount of contributions/pictures sent in one go (for example 4 or 5 pics in one mail)
I'm not saying for contributors to not send more ..but to keep the pictures in smaller batches/lots.
I say this because I think it would make it much easier for any admins trying to help out with contributions to add to the main site.
In example:- I've had some free time some nights and have transferred some pics from here to the main site, but when coming across contributions of 10,15,20+ pictures it's off-putting (too much to do in one go.!)and not worth doing a couple of pics and then leaving the rest for antp to do.!
It would help all of us if there was a limit (antp- maybe you could add a message to your introduction on 'how to contribute' at the top.?)
Hopefully help us to help you.!
I'm not saying for contributors to not send more ..but to keep the pictures in smaller batches/lots.
I say this because I think it would make it much easier for any admins trying to help out with contributions to add to the main site.
In example:- I've had some free time some nights and have transferred some pics from here to the main site, but when coming across contributions of 10,15,20+ pictures it's off-putting (too much to do in one go.!)and not worth doing a couple of pics and then leaving the rest for antp to do.!

It would help all of us if there was a limit (antp- maybe you could add a message to your introduction on 'how to contribute' at the top.?)
Hopefully help us to help you.!

How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Published 09/12/2006 @ 18:19:30, By antp
This could be a solution, though 4/5 is maybe too few, I'd say around 10.
But on the other hand I am not sure that having more "contributions" to process is a good idea, even if they are smaller. It makes the "queue list" more difficult to manage.
If you think to the "Alarm für Cobra" topic with lots of pictures, the problem was not the number of pictures but the fact that they had to be resized, which takes time.
Latest Edition: 09/12/2006 @ 18:20:11
But on the other hand I am not sure that having more "contributions" to process is a good idea, even if they are smaller. It makes the "queue list" more difficult to manage.
If you think to the "Alarm für Cobra" topic with lots of pictures, the problem was not the number of pictures but the fact that they had to be resized, which takes time.
Latest Edition: 09/12/2006 @ 18:20:11
How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Published 05/01/2007 @ 12:01:24, By garco
Someone is spammin this topic, I have removed 10 unwanted messages...
I have closed this topic now, but any admin can open it when necassary.
I have closed this topic now, but any admin can open it when necassary.
How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Published 05/01/2007 @ 12:22:25, By antp
Actually I kept this one open as I prefer to clean spam from this topic rather than seeing other contributions topics all the time reappear because a spammer posted in an old topic...
How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Published 05/01/2007 @ 16:06:22, By garco
OK, I will just remove the spam message when I see one...

How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Published 05/01/2007 @ 16:28:13, By DIEHARD
Someone is spammin this topic, I have removed 10 unwanted messages...
I have closed this topic now, but any admin can open it when necassary.
I have closed this topic now, but any admin can open it when necassary.
I removed about 5 aswell...
How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Published 08/01/2007 @ 13:54:18, By Bebert
Antoine, pourrais-tu faire quelque chose pour éviter les spams comme ceux ci-dessus. J'en efface régulièrement une demi-douzaine par jour. Essentiellement sur ce topic (je pense que c'est le mot submit qui les attire), mais aussi quelques fois sur d'autres.

How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Published 08/01/2007 @ 15:35:09, By antp
pourrais-tu faire quelque chose pour éviter les spams comme ceux ci-dessus.
À part obliger les gens à s'inscrire pour pouvoir poster, non

(je pense que c'est le mot submit qui les attire)
Probablement parce que c'est le premier de la liste
Latest Edition: 08/01/2007 @ 15:35:30
How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Published 09/01/2007 @ 19:55:15, By DIEHARD
Removed about 20 spam messages in the last few days. What if we open a new topic, copy the info from here and get it listed on top. The webpage will be different and they will not be able to spam it so soon?
How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Published 09/01/2007 @ 19:59:09, By antp
I think that this spam is done manually. As this forum system is not very well known and not widespread (unlike phpbb and others) I doubt that people would do bots for posting spam on it.
How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Published 21/01/2007 @ 02:55:32, By ahight
i guess there's no way to block by IP address..since they're always different, right?
here are the latest: liverhgold
i'm sure we'll have a 100 more by the end of the day
Latest Edition: 21/01/2007 @ 08:21:49
here are the latest: liverhgold
i'm sure we'll have a 100 more by the end of the day

Latest Edition: 21/01/2007 @ 08:21:49
How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Published 21/01/2007 @ 11:09:27, By antp
i guess there's no way to block by IP address..since they're always different, right?
Yes, I blocked some because sometimes twice the same was used, but when I got a list of 30+ addresses, I removed them because it seems quite useless.
Only solution would be to allow only registered users like on the other sections, but it is annoying for people that do not want to register or have problems to login...
How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Published 21/01/2007 @ 22:20:39, By user-.html
There is a unimog 404 used in the movie "Trojan Cow". The part was essential.