Old contributions (archive) » [done] 1949 Austin K8 in The Lavender Hill Mob, 1951
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[done] 1949 Austin K8 in The Lavender Hill Mob, 1951
Published 12/11/2006 @ 00:54:34, By aecsouthall
Zip file with three more screen shots sent by email.
LKL238 is an Austin K8 "Three Way Van" registered in early 1949 and used in the film as a bullion van which is hijacked by a gang of crooks.
Latest Edition: 19/11/2006 @ 13:21:12
LKL238 is an Austin K8 "Three Way Van" registered in early 1949 and used in the film as a bullion van which is hijacked by a gang of crooks.
File: file_6208_ok.jpg
( 52.0 KB - 734 )
Latest Edition: 19/11/2006 @ 13:21:12
1949 Austin K8 in The Lavender Hill Mob, 1951
Published 12/11/2006 @ 04:45:59, By ahight
setup the page and added the Austin...i think i did it right
Latest Edition: 12/11/2006 @ 04:47:54

Latest Edition: 12/11/2006 @ 04:47:54
1949 Austin K8 in The Lavender Hill Mob, 1951
Published 12/11/2006 @ 13:08:35, By aecsouthall
Don't worry about the zip file I sent by email. I can link imcdb to the pictures on my server instead. Unless there are objections I'll do it this way where I have a short sequence of 3 or 4 screen shots to show.
1949 Austin K8 in The Lavender Hill Mob, 1951
Published 12/11/2006 @ 16:33:42, By ahight
Neil..the zip files can go up. i just saw your post and added the Austin. i don't get the emails so one of the other mods will add those

1949 Austin K8 in The Lavender Hill Mob, 1951
Published 12/11/2006 @ 22:08:02, By antp
It is better to use www.imageshack.us and their "thumbnail for forum" link, this keeps the pages small by displaying clickable small images.
And it is maybe more reliable than your server for the next years? (I mean, how long will you keep this picture there?)
And easier for me to backup images if they are all hosted in the same way: I do a backup of what is posted in comments using imageshack.
And it is maybe more reliable than your server for the next years? (I mean, how long will you keep this picture there?)
And easier for me to backup images if they are all hosted in the same way: I do a backup of what is posted in comments using imageshack.