General » rare cars
rare cars
Published 13/03/2007 @ 23:38:38, By wrenchhead
I was just trying to find the rare cars on the site and quickly gave up. It is particularly, difficult to find rare or one of a kind cars if you don't know make or model. For example: the BMW 507 is a very rare car but we have 5 examples on the site. The Dual-ghia is very rare and we have 3 examples on the site. The Studebaker Champion Ghia-aigle is extremely rare yet we have one one the site. It may be that the make is not rare but the particular model is. That makes it even more difficult.
I would also like to find the number of movies each rare car has appeared in. For example: we have 3 movies that the Aston Martin DBR1 has appeared in.
Is there any interest in creating a list of the rare cars (make and model) posted on the site? If so, any suggestions on how to do it?
Latest Edition: 13/03/2007 @ 23:39:28
I would also like to find the number of movies each rare car has appeared in. For example: we have 3 movies that the Aston Martin DBR1 has appeared in.
Is there any interest in creating a list of the rare cars (make and model) posted on the site? If so, any suggestions on how to do it?
Latest Edition: 13/03/2007 @ 23:39:28
rare cars
Published 14/03/2007 @ 00:48:50, By wickey
maybe some extra noting system - the rare car will receive from contributor some special mark or whatever..
rare cars
Published 14/03/2007 @ 01:28:05, By wrenchhead
That is a good idea if we can agree on what is a rare car and avoid everyone listing every strange thing they see as 'rare'.
Do you think is a reasonable thing to do or am I the only one?
Latest Edition: 14/03/2007 @ 01:29:05
Do you think is a reasonable thing to do or am I the only one?
Latest Edition: 14/03/2007 @ 01:29:05
rare cars
Published 14/03/2007 @ 07:36:11, By DIEHARD
I do not think it is possible to determine what is a rare car. Sure, the cars in you're example are, but what about limited editions or special trim levels of more common models, they can be very rare aswell.
But to know this you have to know very much about the specific make and model, only experts can decide in my opinion....
But I like you're idea, although I think we have to set up strict guidelines to determine what rare is.
I know one that is rare and that I learned about through this site:
But to know this you have to know very much about the specific make and model, only experts can decide in my opinion....
But I like you're idea, although I think we have to set up strict guidelines to determine what rare is.
I know one that is rare and that I learned about through this site:
rare cars
Published 14/03/2007 @ 09:54:05, By antp
We could make a list here on the forum.
Maybe not on a topic mixed with the others, but on a page dedicated to that, a little like Wikipedia articles : a page that all admins can edit. This "forum" is actually a kind of community site, the forum is only a part of the possible features.
We could add on the site a link to such special pages.
For that I would have to add entries in the menu of the site, though (currently it is missing the stats page for example).
Latest Edition: 14/03/2007 @ 09:54:44
Maybe not on a topic mixed with the others, but on a page dedicated to that, a little like Wikipedia articles : a page that all admins can edit. This "forum" is actually a kind of community site, the forum is only a part of the possible features.
We could add on the site a link to such special pages.
For that I would have to add entries in the menu of the site, though (currently it is missing the stats page for example).
Latest Edition: 14/03/2007 @ 09:54:44
rare cars
Published 14/03/2007 @ 14:33:39, By wrenchhead
I think a list on the forum is OK. I would just like to be able to easily find our rare or seldom seen cars. We need to limit edit rights so that everyone's favorite cars does not appear on the list. We might only put things on the list by vote to make sure most admins agree that a thing is rare.
rare cars
Published 14/03/2007 @ 14:57:58, By antp
I already have one to submit, a Spectre R42:
23 were built, two are in the movie
23 were built, two are in the movie

rare cars
Published 14/03/2007 @ 16:02:14, By wrenchhead
That is great and the kind of stuff that I am interested in. I didn't know that such a car existed. For example, I would submit the and the Duel-Ghia that got me thinking about this topic.
I guess, we shoud have Make, Model, year, number made, number on site, number of movies it appeared in and the link? The list should appear first on the page with comments, submittals, votes, etc following. Like the 'comming soon' list.
I guess you will have to create the list and limit edit rights. I don't think I know how to do it but I will try if you give me directions.
After looking at the list on the sites home page, I don't think the number of cars on the site is a good criterion. Not seeing a car in movies does not make it rare. Perhaps, a better measure is the number made of a particular make and model.
Latest Edition: 14/03/2007 @ 16:32:41
I guess, we shoud have Make, Model, year, number made, number on site, number of movies it appeared in and the link? The list should appear first on the page with comments, submittals, votes, etc following. Like the 'comming soon' list.
I guess you will have to create the list and limit edit rights. I don't think I know how to do it but I will try if you give me directions.
After looking at the list on the sites home page, I don't think the number of cars on the site is a good criterion. Not seeing a car in movies does not make it rare. Perhaps, a better measure is the number made of a particular make and model.
Latest Edition: 14/03/2007 @ 16:32:41
rare cars
Published 15/03/2007 @ 08:25:27, By garco
Good idea about the number made of a car.
This excludes this for example:
This excludes this for example:
rare cars
Published 15/03/2007 @ 12:09:03, By DIEHARD
Then where is the other one, as I see only one listed ??
rare cars
Published 15/03/2007 @ 12:12:03, By DIEHARD
After looking at the list on the sites home page, I don't think the number of cars on the site is a good criterion. Not seeing a car in movies does not make it rare. Perhaps, a better measure is the number made of a particular make and model.
I agree to that, we could limit it for example to cars where less than 1000 where build off....
rare cars
Published 15/03/2007 @ 12:30:22, By antp
Well, only one is really used and anyway they look identical. The other one is seen in background in the middle thumbnail picture

Latest Edition: 15/03/2007 @ 12:31:00