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1980s 300D Mercedes-Benz Turbo Diesel
Published 01/01/2008 @ 01:45:44, By Montero
I'm also known as 93montero on the regular site. I had a question for antp or any other people that would know. Did the Mercedes-Benz Turbo Diesel come in manual transmission or only automatic? All of the ones on Ebay are automatic. I really fell in love with this car (like many many others) but it saddens me if it only comes as an automatic. Does anybody know the answer?
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1980s 300D Mercedes-Benz Turbo Diesel
Published 01/01/2008 @ 01:48:39, By Montero
My apologies if I posted this question in the wrong category.
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1980s 300D Mercedes-Benz Turbo Diesel
Published 01/01/2008 @ 12:13:13, By antp
I moved the topic to a more appropriate category :wink:
I cannot help you for your question, though.
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1980s 300D Mercedes-Benz Turbo Diesel
Published 01/01/2008 @ 15:08:06, By ingo
You should ask that guys:

I'm sure, that someone of them can help you.
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1980s 300D Mercedes-Benz Turbo Diesel
Published 01/01/2008 @ 16:38:33, By CrazyCars
It's a W116 that Montero is talking about. ABout your question, i think the SD came with a five speed manual as well as an Auto.
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1980s 300D Mercedes-Benz Turbo Diesel
Published 01/01/2008 @ 16:40:27, By CrazyCars
No sorry, i was wrong, the only gearbox the W116 came with (For all models) was a 3-Speed Auto.
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1980s 300D Mercedes-Benz Turbo Diesel
Published 01/01/2008 @ 16:57:24, By Montero
Thank you CrazyCars for the information. I should have stated that it was a W116. By the way I'm switching my account name to 93_Montero that is similar to my imcdb name.
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