Cars & Movies » What car is this?
What car is this?
Published 07/02/2008 @ 10:51:48, By solaar
What's the yellow car with black roof on this picture?
It's from "8 Mile", about 27 minute mark. This is the only shot of the car.

It's from "8 Mile", about 27 minute mark. This is the only shot of the car.
What car is this?
Published 07/02/2008 @ 10:54:07, By CarChasesFanatic
Chevrolet Camaro or Pontiac Firebird, i always doubt between those.
What car is this?
Published 07/02/2008 @ 11:15:33, By BeanBandit
That's Camaro, looks to be IROC-Z version, introduced for 1985 model year.
What car is this?
Published 07/02/2008 @ 17:53:51, By Leoz
We oughta have a page for that car. We only have four pictures from that film.
What car is this?
Published 07/02/2008 @ 19:18:10, By Wampa-One
I've got the DVD at home and it is on my to-do list. There are a couple of other movies I'd like to do first, but unless someone beats me to it I will complete the captures.
I've got the DVD at home and it is on my to-do list. There are a couple of other movies I'd like to do first, but unless someone beats me to it I will complete the captures.
What car is this?
Published 08/02/2008 @ 15:18:27, By Leoz
I also taped the film. But I have yet to put it on DvD.
What car is this?
Published 08/02/2008 @ 15:20:49, By antp
tape->DVD is not really the same quality as if Wampa-One has the real DVD of the movie
What car is this?
Published 11/02/2008 @ 18:52:03, By Leoz
I tape my favourite shows and films (for private and home use only) using my recently bought high-quality dvd recorder. It has the hard drive capacity of a small computer, and the quality is so good you can't really tell if it is an original DvD movie. Iv'e yet to put some things on DvD, I also can put them onto my computer and use the VLC player that you recomended to take screenshots.
What car is this?
Published 11/02/2008 @ 22:52:06, By antp
When you said "tape" I thought VHS
Indeed if you record from a good quality broadcast directly on DVD with a good recorder, you can have a very good quality

Indeed if you record from a good quality broadcast directly on DVD with a good recorder, you can have a very good quality
What car is this?
Published 12/02/2008 @ 13:17:56, By Leoz
That's right. But now I have the VLC tool I can take pictures of any video clip or dvd on my computer. Thanks for your help!
What car is this?
Published 14/02/2008 @ 09:26:22, By 58_Roadmaster
A grand theater converted to parking structure--very sad.
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Published 14/02/2008 @ 15:29:47, By Wampa-One
I was puzzled by what the story behind that was. The ornate ceiling is still quite striking. I was able to find out it is the Michigan Theater. I agree with you that it is sad to see the decay of many of our country's once thriving inner cities. Apparently this was also the site of Henry Ford's first workshop in 1892 making it the birthplace of the Ford Motor Company.
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Published 14/02/2008 @ 17:33:26, By Leoz
Sad story. A lot of buildings were like that in Detroit in '95.
What car is this?
Published 14/02/2008 @ 20:30:31, By CarChasesFanatic
Is it the same building as in The Island and Transformers?
What car is this?
Published 14/02/2008 @ 21:34:20, By Wampa-One
Yes for The Island. I did not see any mention of Transformers though.