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Anyone know what car this is?
Published 19/02/2008 @ 05:10:48, By 67stang
Some friends and I are trying to figure out what movie this scene is from. We love IMCDb, and would like to figure out the film using the site, but we can't for the life of us figure out what car it is!

My thoughts were a 46 Suburban, or a 46 Ford Super De Luxe. But neither of those really check out. I'm stumped. Any ideas?

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Anyone know what car this is?
Published 19/02/2008 @ 19:54:29, By Leoz
Is that from 'Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later'? that car bares a resemblence to the one in that movie.Possibly a Ford Super De Luxe or a Mercury Wagon...1940's? I forgot.I tried to search for this movie too, yet they don't have it yet.If it is from this movie, then that must be LL Cool J there.
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Anyone know what car this is?
Published 19/02/2008 @ 22:06:56, By 67stang
Leoz, great call on Halloween H20! You are correct. Perhaps this movie can get added and this can be added as an unknown. Thanks for your input!
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Anyone know what car this is?
Published 20/02/2008 @ 10:08:26, By antp
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