Old contributions (archive) » [done] Flatbed Annie & Sweetie Pie: Lady Truckers (1979)
[done] Flatbed Annie & Sweetie Pie: Lady Truckers (1979)
Published 17/03/2008 @ 01:20:53, By dwayne
Mack Superliner (5 Stars)
Ford Mustang (3 Stars)
Unknown (1 Star)
Autocar A64B (2 Stars)
Autocar A64 (1 Star) (on our left)
Peterbilt 352 (1 Star)
International Transtar 400 (1 Star)
GMC Unknown (3 Stars)
Studebaker Unknown (2 Stars)
Cadillac Unknown (1 Star)
Chevy Tow Truck (1 Star)
Pick one (1 star)
Unknown Taxi (2 Stars)
Cadillac Unknown (5 Stars)
Dodge Unknown (2 Stars)
Ford Mustang (1 Star)
Chevy Van (5 Stars)
Volkswagen Bus (1 Star)
International Cargostar (1 Star)
Ford C-Series (1 Star)
Kenworth 524 (2 Stars)
Peterbilt 352 (2 Stars)
Kenworth W900 (2 Stars)
Peterbilt 281 (2 Stars)
All Peterbilt 352's (1 Star For All)
From Our Left to Right GMC Astro, Freightliner FLT, Kenworth K100 (1 For All)
Unknown (3 Stars)
Unknown Blue Lowrider (3 Stars)
Chevy Monte Carlo (3 Stars)
White-Freightliner WFT (1 Star)
White-Freightliner WFT (4 Stars)
Pontiac Trans AM (5 Stars)
Peterbilt 359 (4 Stars)
Peterbilt 282 (1 Star)
International 4300 (1 Star)
Kenworth W900 (1 Star)
Latest Edition: 22/04/2008 @ 22:17:20

Mack Superliner (5 Stars)

Ford Mustang (3 Stars)

Unknown (1 Star)

Autocar A64B (2 Stars)

Autocar A64 (1 Star) (on our left)

Peterbilt 352 (1 Star)

International Transtar 400 (1 Star)

GMC Unknown (3 Stars)

Studebaker Unknown (2 Stars)

Cadillac Unknown (1 Star)

Chevy Tow Truck (1 Star)

Pick one (1 star)

Unknown Taxi (2 Stars)

Cadillac Unknown (5 Stars)

Dodge Unknown (2 Stars)

Ford Mustang (1 Star)

Chevy Van (5 Stars)

Volkswagen Bus (1 Star)

International Cargostar (1 Star)

Ford C-Series (1 Star)

Kenworth 524 (2 Stars)

Peterbilt 352 (2 Stars)

Kenworth W900 (2 Stars)

Peterbilt 281 (2 Stars)

All Peterbilt 352's (1 Star For All)

From Our Left to Right GMC Astro, Freightliner FLT, Kenworth K100 (1 For All)

Unknown (3 Stars)

Unknown Blue Lowrider (3 Stars)

Chevy Monte Carlo (3 Stars)

White-Freightliner WFT (1 Star)

White-Freightliner WFT (4 Stars)

Pontiac Trans AM (5 Stars)

Peterbilt 359 (4 Stars)

Peterbilt 282 (1 Star)

International 4300 (1 Star)

Kenworth W900 (1 Star)

Latest Edition: 22/04/2008 @ 22:17:20
Flatbed Annie & Sweetie Pie: Lady Truckers (1979)
Published 17/03/2008 @ 14:10:50, By Ddey65
Unknown (1 Star)
Unknown (1 Star)
1969 Ford.
No, it's a 1949 or 1950 Ford.
1969 or 1970 C-30.
1969 Plymouth Valiant.
Lincoln Continental from the 1960's.
Actually, this is a Loadstar.
Unknown (3 Stars)
Ford LTD or XL.
Late-1960's Buick.
Latest Edition: 17/03/2008 @ 14:13:20
Flatbed Annie & Sweetie Pie: Lady Truckers (1979)
Published 17/03/2008 @ 14:14:47, By Ddey65
Flatbed Annie & Sweetie Pie: Lady Truckers (1979)
Published 17/03/2008 @ 18:59:28, By dwayne
Whoops I didn't even see I put the wrong name in there on that Loadstar.
Flatbed Annie & Sweetie Pie: Lady Truckers (1979)
Published 25/03/2008 @ 16:18:19, By Wampa-One
http://imdb.com/title/tt0079159/usercomments says the main truck is a Superliner rather than a Cruiseliner. All of the other Cruiseliners looked like "cab over engine" so I listed it as Superliner.
Latest Edition: 25/03/2008 @ 16:26:40
http://imdb.com/title/tt0079159/usercomments says the main truck is a Superliner rather than a Cruiseliner. All of the other Cruiseliners looked like "cab over engine" so I listed it as Superliner.
Latest Edition: 25/03/2008 @ 16:26:40
Flatbed Annie & Sweetie Pie: Lady Truckers (1979)
Published 27/03/2008 @ 04:34:47, By Wampa-One