General » Become a Mod?
Become a Mod?
Published 04/04/2008 @ 22:37:33, By Leoz
No I'm not complaining here, but seeing as there are so many moderators and administrators, is it possible to become one yourself and add movie pages and pics of the right nature without having to wait?...just woundered...
Latest Edition: 04/04/2008 @ 22:38:09

Latest Edition: 04/04/2008 @ 22:38:09
Become a Mod?
Published 04/04/2008 @ 22:49:07, By antp
Usually we "offer" that to those who send lots of images, or eventually who identify lots of vehicles.
Become a Mod?
Published 04/04/2008 @ 23:23:19, By antp
Well, as you do not send so many pics there is no real need to give you admin rights

Become a Mod?
Published 04/04/2008 @ 23:28:51, By Leoz
However, I have recently contributed pics for 'Christine'and a 'Planet of the Apes' Documentary. I'll also send in pics from more movies soon, such as; Rambo 3, another taped documentary or anything else I could find that would be useful to you and your preciousssss site!

Become a Mod?
Published 04/04/2008 @ 23:31:54, By antp
I did not see that you do not contribute, I just say that usually admins are those who send lots of pics, i.e. which send more pics than what other admin have time to upload