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Cars & Movies » What is the deal with the lincolns in this movie?
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What is the deal with the lincolns in this movie?
Published 06/05/2008 @ 07:33:12, By chriswf
Fight Club is one of my favorite movies. When I head to bed - I usually turn one of 2 movies on. Gladiator or Fight Club... Usually....

I personally noticed the usage of the Lincoln Town Car in Fight Club. I pointed it out to several people. It's the car he inspects upside down, it's the car he inspects toasted, it's the car Brad Pitt smashes into the back of another car with.

What is the meaning of this? Is it the only car name they could buy rights to smash and burn?

Any ideas would rock. I also found little information here:

I'm tired of thinking about it every time I see the car in the movie or on the road when I'm driving. Simple solutions to stop me from wondering would be A: Stop watching the movie and B: Close my eyes when I drive.
Though not many people around me would like Solution B.
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