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[done] Shark - Chrysler 300C
Published 12/05/2008 @ 15:59:17, By Germaneon
Season 1, episode 16:
2005 Chrysler 300C (dual exhaust and the "300C" badge on the trunk lid), single star car

Latest Edition: 14/05/2008 @ 15:05:44
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Shark - Chrysler 300C
Published 13/05/2008 @ 23:21:04, By atom
Remember that the maximum size for a contributed picture is 80 kb.
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[done]Shark - Chrysler 300C
Published 14/05/2008 @ 13:53:58, By antp
in this case, properly compressed the pic is even 50-60 KB (80 KB is the top limit, not the target size)

Latest Edition: 14/05/2008 @ 13:54:20
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[done] Shark - Chrysler 300C
Published 14/05/2008 @ 17:57:06, By Germaneon
As I said before, next time I´ll do it. But this was already done before I read that hint.
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