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police academy stunt show hot rod
Published 23/08/2008 @ 15:09:45, By batman
could someone please tell me what the make and model is of this hot rod?
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police academy stunt show hot rod
Published 23/08/2008 @ 15:17:33, By batman
and what car is this type close to?, i saw a more realistic military style model of it in a hobby store.
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Latest Edition: 23/08/2008 @ 15:22:33
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police academy stunt show hot rod
Published 23/08/2008 @ 23:33:26, By BlackIce_GTS
2nd thing is modeled on an Otokar Cobra maybe?

Looks sort of like a Cayman, too:
(I don't know the manufacturer or... anything really. I'd appreciate info if anybody recognizes it.)
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police academy stunt show hot rod
Published 24/08/2008 @ 01:38:59, By marioman3138
batman, is this at Movie World, Queensland? The Hot Rod I always believed to be a Model A Ford, and the other I always believed mad for show. Its a good show there, quite funny. I like it.
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police academy stunt show hot rod
Published 24/08/2008 @ 03:31:46, By batman
I know that the hot rod is a chevy, because it had a chevy logo on the grille and on the engine.
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police academy stunt show hot rod
Published 24/08/2008 @ 10:24:30, By ingo
@marioman: I don't agree with Ford Model T.
I think, it's not even based an annother car from the 20ies or 30ies.
Perhaps just the grille is old -but surely also a repro-part.
The body of the car looks totally like made of plastic, so it's not original. Engine, wheels and suspension aren't pre-war either.
So I guess, it's a selfmade-chassis, where modern technic was mounted in.
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