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Coachbuilders: What you don't see everyday
Published 22/02/2009 @ 22:19:03, By Animatronixx
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Coachbuilders: What you don't see everyday
Published 22/02/2009 @ 22:35:32, By Animatronixx
Almost sunk into oblivion: Truck-and-trailer-buses
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Coachbuilders: What you don't see everyday
Published 23/02/2009 @ 03:30:57, By Neptune
Nice, just wish I could understand it. I should take some German classes somtime.

... During my research I very often stumble across some fascinating documents ...

I find it funny how you can search your heart out trying to find something specific, and you’ll almost never find it. Its only when your not actively looking/searching that you find what you were originally searching for. I guess that’s just one of those funny quirks of life. :crazy:
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Coachbuilders: What you don't see everyday
Published 23/02/2009 @ 06:43:55, By Ddey65
I don't understand any German, but riding in an articulated bus is now on my list of things to do before I die.
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Coachbuilders: What you don't see everyday
Published 23/02/2009 @ 10:41:22, By antp
There aren't any near where you are?

In Brussels the line nr 71 is well known for that 60_busarticules_H1LQ2T_0.JPG.jpg
As that line passes near two sites of ULB university and then in centre of the city
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Coachbuilders: What you don't see everyday
Published 23/02/2009 @ 13:19:58, By atom
We have got some here in Sweden with two "harmonicas" I don't know the word for it in English...
Here is one, don't know where this is from though:

Talking about that, you don't wanna be in the rear part of this articulated bus:
A guy at work told me that his mom drove one of these in Gothenburg and that they could lock the rear part so it wouldn't swing out like that, if it would start drift in the snow or such.

Nice pictures btw, Animatronixx :smile:

Latest Edition: 23/02/2009 @ 13:25:28
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Coachbuilders: What you don't see everyday
Published 23/02/2009 @ 20:12:12, By Ddey65
There aren't any near where you are?

Not in Hernando County, Florida. Or Pasco County, Florida, or Suffolk or Nassau Counties in New York. I'll have to check on Tampa. Service_Bx12.jpg

As for NYC, I've seen pictures of some, but I never had a reason to ride one.

Latest Edition: 23/02/2009 @ 20:20:09
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Coachbuilders: What you don't see everyday
Published 23/02/2009 @ 22:26:56, By IRT_BMT_IND
Tampa runs almost entirely 40 foot Gillig buses. I don't think there are articulated buses running anywhere in Florida.
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Coachbuilders: What you don't see everyday
Published 24/02/2009 @ 20:31:48, By ingo
A bit offtopic to the buses, but it fits to the man theme:

Yesterday the well known company Karmann has built their last complete car. It was an Audi A4 Cabriolet in US-version.
They couldn't get new orders, since they don't build any more the VW Golf Cabriolet, the Mercedes CE Cabriolet, and since the Chrysler Crossfire is out of production.
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