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[Done] The Day of the Jackal
Published 24/02/2009 @ 17:45:29, By flmmz

Triumph Herald 1200 Convertible
(white bumbers and chrome headlamp surrounds)

To establish that result it's necessary to use two pictures.

One attached and one LINKed to: directlink

Regards Flemming
File: vlcsnap-25393.png ( 229.0 KB - 799 )

Latest Edition: 02/03/2009 @ 22:09:13
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The Day of the Jackal
Published 24/02/2009 @ 22:35:46, By antp
(how come it doesn't work. It's generated by "picasa")

Because it is html

And if you do not uncheck the "Analyse text for BBCode" option when posting, the links become clickable, e.g. directlink

Latest Edition: 24/02/2009 @ 22:36:05
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The Day of the Jackal
Published 02/03/2009 @ 21:00:00, By vilero
@flmmz: your pic is 229 Kb. No more than 80, please. But If i try to reduce the KB until 80 the pic is too little.
Can you again post it here with no more than 80 Kb.
Edited:yep. The problem was that you pic was .png. Please, next time always in .jpg.

Latest Edition: 02/03/2009 @ 22:08:49
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