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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 13/05/2009 @ 16:03:04, By ingo
I just had been in the database and my session was closed several times, a least after every second click, so I had to log in again and again.

Just a temporary error?
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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 13/05/2009 @ 16:37:15, By antp
Try post few messages here so I can check if your IP address is each time the same. Else this is the reason of the problem. To avoid that you can check the "auto login" option on the login page, it will store a cookie and do the login if needed when changing page (this cookie is cleared if you click "logout")
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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 14/05/2009 @ 13:12:26, By ingo
Today it's working fine, but I haven't done anything?!?
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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 14/05/2009 @ 15:27:56, By antp
If it is the problem that I suspected, it is related to your modem/line/isp/company/...
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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 24/09/2009 @ 09:50:09, By Femicide
Hi! I've choosed this thread as most suitable for my post. And to no create one more thread.
At first i've to say that your site is very interest and useful.
Well, and my proposition is - to fix all Russian/Soviet car names. I can say that i'm expert in those cars.
And i've found a lot of mistakes there.
VAZ, GAZ, AZLK (Moskvich), ZIL.
And the're some mixings up in names vich cars has in our country and vich they has in export varies. Ones named as russian, others - as export models.
If site authors agree, plz write here how could i do it. Coz i think it's no right to post a comment in every car thread. Thanks.
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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 24/09/2009 @ 11:19:45, By antp
It would be better to create a new thread on the "naming conventions" section.
Note that for Lada/VAZ this has already been mostly cleaned/sorted.
For the others, there may be changes to do, and indeed it is better to discuss on the forum rather than post on every car :wink:
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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 27/09/2009 @ 21:57:48, By keef
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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 27/09/2009 @ 22:43:24, By antp
It does, but by default that page only show vehicles with major role due to high number of vehicles, see the drop-down lists at the top.
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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 28/09/2009 @ 08:29:21, By keef
Ah; thanks for that.
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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 06/01/2010 @ 11:07:43, By ss
i have a problem ,reciving a error mesage
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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 06/01/2010 @ 12:47:33, By antp
on which page and which error?
if it is about number of connexions, it is because there are too many people on the site, it becomes too big
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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 06/01/2010 @ 23:15:48, By ss
"error in database request" "error conection on line 14"

Latest Edition: 06/01/2010 @ 23:21:38
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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 07/01/2010 @ 11:57:57, By Alessandro58
Dear antp
since several days you have runnung a snow flake script on the homepage. I have the impression, that it slows down the whole thing a little. Maybe it's not just because of the database. I had this problem recently on a site of mine. What do you think? Kind regards Alessandro58
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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 07/01/2010 @ 12:01:03, By antp
The snow script runs on client-side.
Database is on server-side.
These two are completely unrelated :wink:
But as the christmas & new year are passed, I'll probably remove it anyway.

Latest Edition: 07/01/2010 @ 12:01:38
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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 07/01/2010 @ 19:17:41, By antp
They made some changes on the database server, does it work better or were there still lots of connection errors today?
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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 12/01/2010 @ 10:11:13, By Neon
There is a new problem... for cars uploaded since this morning the main picture is not visible and if you try to see it, appears this message:

Some examples:
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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 12/01/2010 @ 10:37:34, By ford_guy
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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 12/01/2010 @ 11:57:05, By vilero
For me also
Actually I can't open the pics inside the squared area
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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 12/01/2010 @ 12:22:18, By vilero
Something more is going bad.
Also I can't upload pics The pic is uploaded but it's not seen

ABRACADABRA....30 seconds later it's works fine

Latest Edition: 12/01/2010 @ 12:23:33
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A defect in the IMCDB-database?
Published 12/01/2010 @ 12:22:36, By antp
It is a bug on the server, it happened previously. I do not know why sometimes it does not mark the file as having the "read" rights.
I can easily do the change on the FTP (I just did it for all pics of the "270" folder), I should try to see if I can force the rights on the uploaded files.
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