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Name that Movie?
Published 30/06/2009 @ 20:49:49, By okdude
American movie 70's or 80s (fairly sure) had Dabney Coleman in a scene where he is driving a "roundtail" Alfa Romeo Spider ('66-'69) on a freeway near a major city. He flips out and drives underneath a tractor-trailer "semi" next to him, i.e. underneath the trailer, and then decides to drive back out, as if suicide is not the solution. The Alfa was red and had the top down. He is :crazy: . Have searched everywhere and can't find name of movie. Anybody remember this one?
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Name that Movie?
Published 19/12/2011 @ 03:42:05, By felixfast
okdude ;
I was! searching for that movie for a very long time too, the semi-truck scene is also what I remember only, Thanks for the car tip...

so what I did after I read your topic and recalled this scene I searched most movies of Dabney Coleman's filmography, Luckily it was full of Tv series and non of the his movies was that movie

So I got back to to basics and I searched at youtube as alfa romeo spider crash

And ı came up whit this :

this :

and of course, this :

it was blurry image from my childhood
so, thanks for the spider tip again
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