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[Done] seaQuest DSV Season 2, Part 2
Published 13/07/2009 @ 00:13:50, By Dr. Stantz
More from season 2 of seaQuest DSV:

from Ep. 1.02:
1992 GM Ultralite (2 Star)

1989 Pontiac Stinger (3 Star)
(does anyone recognize what the red car behind the Stinger is?)

from Ep. 2.09:
Alvis Stalwart Truck (2 Star)

Late Seventies (I think a 1975 - 1977 judging from the front grille and side flashers) Ford Dump Truck (3 Star)

More to come soon...

Latest Edition: 14/07/2009 @ 10:37:28
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seaQuest DSV Season 2, Part 2
Published 14/07/2009 @ 02:18:32, By Dr. Stantz
The rest (for now):

Ep. 1.14:

Ford Bulldozer (1 Star) (I added this before but someone removed it from the sQ section, and I have since confirmed bulldozers and construction equipment are okay)

And from Ep. 2.11:

AM General M35 truck (2 star)

AM General HMMWV M998 (2 Star)

And a quick shot of a Ford Bronco (1 star) (This is the best shot, there were people in front of it and the camera was focused on them, when they moved I grabbed the out of focus screenshot)

Also can someone confirm if the uncovered truck in the upper middle of the following picture (also from Ep. 2.11) is also a M35 or not? (if different 1 star)

Latest Edition: 14/07/2009 @ 03:00:19
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seaQuest DSV Season 2, Part 2
Published 14/07/2009 @ 10:35:02, By vilero

Certainly bulldozers can be listed as 'Construction & Engineering vehicle' but this one isn't more different than others 1* cars. In this case is too dark and obstructed. It would be different when the vehicle is 2** or more.
For similar reasons the Bronco is too part seen and blurred and the last truck is too far and little.

Different case it would be, for example, if the pic for the concept 1989 Pontiac Stinger were far and little, or obstructed... it would be uploaded even if it were only 1* because it is a very rare car.
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[Done] seaQuest DSV Season 2, Part 2
Published 14/07/2009 @ 15:47:40, By Dr. Stantz
The last truck was seen quite a bit in the background, I can get a better shot if needed, this one just showed it completely and I had trouble IDing it. Is it a also a M35 just without the cover on the back?
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