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Hilarious fake car ads
Published 03/08/2009 @ 11:23:14, By taxiguy
Regardless of wheather you like the vehicles in the ads or not, you have to admit that they are incredibly funny :lol:

Make sure to read the fine print too, as some of the funniest bits are hidden in there.
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Hilarious fake car ads
Published 04/08/2009 @ 08:59:36, By antp
:grin: good ones
I especially like the Mercury one.
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Hilarious fake car ads
Published 04/08/2009 @ 09:22:23, By taxiguy
That's my favorite along with the Chevy Van one

good quotes: "...Do not abduct children, as it is largely frowned upon."

Taurus: "...with over 150 HP and a sophisticated 3-speed automatic transmission.."


Latest Edition: 04/08/2009 @ 09:25:58
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Hilarious fake car ads
Published 04/08/2009 @ 23:16:17, By G-MANN
Yeah 150HP is pretty weak for a 3 litre V6. Also that Mercury advert could double up as a Cadillac DTS advert.

Here's a Nissan advert that used to be shown on British TV, given a new voiceover by Adam Buxton of Adam & Joe fame (they used to have a show years ago where they'd do re-enactions of films with soft toys and Star Wars figures): It sums up my feelings about cars like these!
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Hilarious fake car ads
Published 05/08/2009 @ 02:30:46, By taxiguy
Why the hell does he say "Nissan" like that? :boggled:

It's "Nee-sahn" not "Nih-sin" :tongue:
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Hilarious fake car ads
Published 05/08/2009 @ 06:00:31, By qwerty_86
I have 200hp and 4 speeds thank you very much.
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Hilarious fake car ads
Published 05/08/2009 @ 06:30:10, By taxiguy
Yes it was simply a joke, don't be mad :tongue:

I see you have the same avatar as was used in the ad :lol:
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Hilarious fake car ads
Published 05/08/2009 @ 15:02:25, By G-MANN
Why the hell does he say "Nissan" like that? :boggled:

It's "Nee-sahn" not "Nih-sin" :tongue:

Yeah well you Americans say "Jag-wah" and mispronounce (and misspell) loads of other words :tongue:

Latest Edition: 05/08/2009 @ 15:04:28
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Hilarious fake car ads
Published 06/08/2009 @ 02:24:09, By taxiguy
Who the hell says Jag-wah?? :boggled: It's Jag-wire or if you want to Jag-u-wire.
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Hilarious fake car ads
Published 06/08/2009 @ 20:22:09, By Germaneon

Another Nissan commercial that´s worth to see. :acheum:
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Hilarious fake car ads
Published 08/08/2009 @ 05:48:33, By BlackIce_RS
Who says Jag-wire? The correct mispronunciation is 'jag-war'. :tongue:
Well, that's what I say when I say it wrong.
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Hilarious fake car ads
Published 10/10/2009 @ 05:35:18, By Step Van Fan
I Like The Mercury One Too!
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