Misc » This warning label is a bit intimidating.
This warning label is a bit intimidating.
Published 21/08/2009 @ 08:18:12, By qwerty_86

And it's just gonna end like this:

Yes, I paid extra for the Autobot option.

This warning label is a bit intimidating.
Published 21/08/2009 @ 14:38:53, By CarChasesFanatic
Funny but I'd never put a siticker that big on a car.
This warning label is a bit intimidating.
Published 21/08/2009 @ 19:35:07, By qwerty_86
It's a magnet.
I'd never put something permanent that big on my car either.
Latest Edition: 21/08/2009 @ 19:36:03

Latest Edition: 21/08/2009 @ 19:36:03
This warning label is a bit intimidating.
Published 21/08/2009 @ 19:41:02, By ingo

If we would open a thread about funny car-stickers, I guess, we will overload it whithin a few days.

I've seen a long time ago in Canada "Beam me up Scotty, here's no intelligent life", unfortunately never again. I would have put it on my car.
Latest Edition: 21/08/2009 @ 19:41:28
This warning label is a bit intimidating.
Published 21/08/2009 @ 21:30:32, By CarChasesFanatic
Oh a magnet, that's a good idea indeed, you put it for a short time then when bored of it it can be removed, well thought