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recognize this movie ???
Published 04/09/2009 @ 15:46:41, By gojira
I don t know if I m on the good section but I try...
Do you recognize this movie (attached file)...
Because I ve tried to find it with the cars but I can t..
I think the cars are...
A Ford LTD or Chrysler Le Baron
A Chevrolet Caprice
A Cadillac Deville
A Mercedes W126

any idea?
File: 01.jpg ( 74.8 KB - 782 )
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recognize this movie ???
Published 06/09/2009 @ 06:15:25, By BlackIce_RS
And the thing behind the guy in the centre is a MkIII Celica.
It's not Hotel for Dogs, is it?
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recognize this movie ???
Published 08/09/2009 @ 11:52:13, By vilero
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recognize this movie ???
Published 18/10/2009 @ 00:08:03, By Ddey65
I don't know what it is, but it doesn't look like Hotel for Dogs to me.
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