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Cars & Movies » Dodge challenger or Barracuda in this music movie?????
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Dodge challenger or Barracuda in this music movie?????
Published 13/10/2009 @ 18:26:47, By rieger77
Yeah is it?????Please watch it till end for better rekog............ :clindoeil:

Latest Edition: 13/10/2009 @ 18:31:22
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Dodge challenger or Barracuda in this music movie?????
Published 13/10/2009 @ 18:32:35, By rieger77
Says Barracuda in YT comments................DOH
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Dodge challenger or Barracuda in this music movie?????
Published 20/10/2009 @ 18:34:46, By Skid
It's a 1970 Plymouth 'Cuda.
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