Old contributions (archive) » robbie williams''bodies'' music video added to the site
robbie williams''bodies'' music video added to the site
Published 07/12/2010 @ 04:44:36, By landrover1
as the first time works for me the upload and rate pics info
ive made wrong three things
-i dont know why it is on 2009-2010 as it must be 2009
-its a music video
then, i dont know why dont recognize me as the uploader, it said pictures by:?
i hope someone help me at the first time ive uploaded with this new way.
the next time ill not went wrong about music video, year and i wanna know how the site can recognize me as the contributor
Latest Edition: 07/12/2010 @ 04:45:44
ive made wrong three things
-i dont know why it is on 2009-2010 as it must be 2009
-its a music video
then, i dont know why dont recognize me as the uploader, it said pictures by:?
i hope someone help me at the first time ive uploaded with this new way.
the next time ill not went wrong about music video, year and i wanna know how the site can recognize me as the contributor
Latest Edition: 07/12/2010 @ 04:45:44
robbie williams''bodies'' music video added to the site
Published 12/12/2010 @ 10:44:21, By antp
It seems that someone fixed it
I do not know what happened about the contributor list
It should add the name to the list when a vehicle with picture is validated.
I do not know what happened about the contributor list

robbie williams''bodies'' music video added to the site
Published 18/12/2010 @ 23:17:29, By landrover1
yes , its weird
now i have added the jamiroquai blue skies music video, and again dont show me as contributor
now i have added the jamiroquai blue skies music video, and again dont show me as contributor
robbie williams''bodies'' music video added to the site
Published 20/12/2010 @ 11:25:27, By antp
But the contributor is set only once the validation is done. If the pics are not yet validated it is normal that your name does not appear (it appears only to admins)