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Saviour of the Internal Combustion Engine?
Published 29/01/2011 @ 17:25:50, By Sandie
Breakthrough promises $1.50 per gallon synthetic gasoline with no carbon emissions

United Kingdom, January 26 - UK-based Cella Energy has developed a synthetic fuel that could lead to US$1.50 per gallon gasoline.

Apart from promising a future transportation fuel with a stable price regardless of oil prices, the fuel is hydrogen based and produces no carbon emissions when burned. The technology is based on complex hydrides, and has been developed over a four year top secret program at the prestigious Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Oxford. Early indications are that the fuel can be used in existing internal combustion engined vehicles without engine modification.

According to Stephen Voller CEO at Cella Energy, the technology was developed using advanced materials science, taking high energy materials and encapsulating them using a nanostructuring technique called coaxial electrospraying.

“We have developed new micro-beads that can be used in an existing gasoline or petrol vehicle to replace oil-based fuels,” said Voller. “Early indications are that the micro-beads can be used in existing vehicles without engine modification.”

“The materials are hydrogen-based, and so when used produce no carbon emissions at the point of use, in a similar way to electric vehicles”, said Voller.

The technology has been developed over a four-year top secret programme at the prestigious Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Oxford, UK.

The development team is led by Professor Stephen Bennington in collaboration with scientists from University College London and Oxford University.

Professor Bennington, Chief Scientific Officer at Cella Energy said, “our technology is based on materials called complex hydrides that contain hydrogen. When encapsulated using our unique patented process, they are safer to handle than regular gasoline.”

Interesting if this works but I am a bit too cynical to think it will. It will at least spare us characterless modern electric cars. Good to hear it comes with zero emissions.
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Saviour of the Internal Combustion Engine?
Published 30/01/2011 @ 20:32:10, By antp
But hydrogen is not a source of power (it cannot be found as it is), it has to be produced using another source of power... I wonder if all these conversions will efficient (comparison between the power used to produce the hydrogen and the power delivered by the combustion engine using that new fuel).
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