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Unidentified Nissan wheel... whow can help?
Published 22/02/2011 @ 17:24:41, By Dieselbert
Dimension 6x15 manufactured by Nissan

Maybe from an early Fairlady? Whow knows more...

File: 6JJx15 Modell Z.jpg ( 44.4 KB - 644 )
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Unidentified Nissan wheel... whow can help?
Published 23/02/2011 @ 01:01:44, By ingo
Our Datsun/Nissan-specialist an_unusual_eye is celebrating his Birthday today, but later on he surely will be able to help.
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Unidentified Nissan wheel... whow can help?
Published 23/02/2011 @ 20:57:37, By an_unusual_eye
in the U.S. at least - this would have been originally found ONLY on a 1981 280zx Turbo... 1982-83 Turbo received a different style. These were available in silver, and with gold accents also.
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