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Please, help to find the film!
Published 07/04/2011 @ 12:18:09, By Lenk
I need help.

I can't remember from what film this car is.

Image is in attachment.

File: 001qfe8x.jpg ( 114.8 KB - 6968 )

Latest Edition: 07/04/2011 @ 12:28:40
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Please, help to find the film!
Published 07/04/2011 @ 16:00:15, By antp
If it is on the site, the only one it could be is
There aren't many Buick wagons of the 50s on the site :grin:

You could add your picture to that page, by the way :smile:

Latest Edition: 07/04/2011 @ 16:00:43
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Please, help to find the film!
Published 07/04/2011 @ 16:08:43, By Lenk
If it is on the site, the only one it could be is
There aren't many Buick wagons of the 50s on the site :grin:

You could add your picture to that page, by the way :smile:

Thank you so mach!!!!
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