Cars & Movies » All time BADDEST movie car?
All time BADDEST movie car?
Published 04/07/2012 @ 11:11:36, By cam
I still say the Ford Interceptor from the Road Warrior....Even if it had a ridiculous technically challenged impossibility of a roots blower that you could turn on or off like Nitrous LOL. But as a film that was that advanced, that well played, plus the car crashes etc.....The Road Warrior goes down as one of the all time best ever so that car is badass as a result. Hey its the movies whoever said it had to be real?
All time BADDEST movie car?
Published 04/07/2012 @ 15:12:02, By G-MANN
What exactly what would make a car one of the "baddest" movie cars? Power? Size? Menace?
All time BADDEST movie car?
Published 04/07/2012 @ 15:39:10, By antp
The general style of the car I suppose?
I'd agree with the Interceptor, as I can't really find a better example
I'd agree with the Interceptor, as I can't really find a better example

All time BADDEST movie car?
Published 04/07/2012 @ 15:45:06, By G-MANN
This one? The title "Road Warrior" seems to be for the second Mad Max film)
I think this would fit the bill if it ever starred in a movie: (it's engine is similar to what was used in WWII Spitfire planes)
Latest Edition: 04/07/2012 @ 15:46:51
I think this would fit the bill if it ever starred in a movie: (it's engine is similar to what was used in WWII Spitfire planes)
Latest Edition: 04/07/2012 @ 15:46:51
All time BADDEST movie car?
Published 04/07/2012 @ 18:01:56, By cam
Whoa nelly that last one is fugly! Kind of Clrak Griswald family truxter funny ugly. But its still cool.
As for rules? Rules for cool? BAH there are none its just whatever you might think thats badass. I suppose we could attach some basic criteria such as impact from the first time you saw said car ( Batmobile has a strong argument here for many ) or perhaps the General Lee is also one of the all time badass cars from TV although there was a movie or two the TV General was badasssssssss.
And Im no fan of Dodge personally
As for rules? Rules for cool? BAH there are none its just whatever you might think thats badass. I suppose we could attach some basic criteria such as impact from the first time you saw said car ( Batmobile has a strong argument here for many ) or perhaps the General Lee is also one of the all time badass cars from TV although there was a movie or two the TV General was badasssssssss.
And Im no fan of Dodge personally

All time BADDEST movie car?
Published 05/07/2012 @ 01:16:46, By 93_Montero
All time BADDEST movie car?
Published 05/07/2012 @ 09:34:05, By atom
Some obvious ones:
The last one scared the shit out of me as a kid, I couldn't go near wheel loaders after that. A junkie goes on a rampage destroying cars and almost runs over some kids at a playground.
The last one scared the shit out of me as a kid, I couldn't go near wheel loaders after that. A junkie goes on a rampage destroying cars and almost runs over some kids at a playground.
All time BADDEST movie car?
Published 05/07/2012 @ 09:58:25, By antp
If we talk about "living cars", there is also
It's equivalent in a movie inspired by Duel:
It's equivalent in a movie inspired by Duel:
All time BADDEST movie car?
Published 07/07/2012 @ 01:29:46, By 93_Montero
@ atom, I think he means more cool than actually literally bad. I agree with The Car and Christine though of course. Like the Duel truck is more "cool" than the Maximum Overdrive truck. Especially with the license plates along the front and flammable in huge letters on the back.
antp makes a good point with the K5 Blazer but it's not as exciting for me because there are many lifted trucks like that where I live.
antp makes a good point with the K5 Blazer but it's not as exciting for me because there are many lifted trucks like that where I live.
All time BADDEST movie car?
Published 18/07/2012 @ 20:00:47, By
I think this is very difficult question and it's answer as well too. everything of anything not would be bad because i think some of things can be bad and some of can be best.
All time BADDEST movie car?
Published 21/07/2012 @ 11:03:09, By 93_Montero
cam just said the most badass vehicles. Not meaning literally bad like Christine.
All time BADDEST movie car?
Published 25/09/2012 @ 14:28:55, By 3loader
All time BADDEST movie car?
Published 09/10/2012 @ 09:25:10, By bricology
As far as movie cars go, I'd say that contenders for "the baddest" would have to be the Dodge Charger and the Ford Mustang from "Bullitt", and the Dodge Challenger from "Vanishing Point", but my personal favorite would be "Black Beauty" from the original "Green Hornet" series, with Bruce Lee at the wheel.

All time BADDEST movie car?
Published 11/10/2012 @ 00:23:29, By Skywatcher68
Speaking of Chargers...
Latest Edition: 11/10/2012 @ 00:23:44
Latest Edition: 11/10/2012 @ 00:23:44