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The new Ford F-150 and Ford Expedition
Published 15/01/2013 @ 19:24:36, By Neptune
Ford just unveiled the Ford Atlas Concept at 2013 Detroit Auto Show.

The concept points toward the design direction of the upcoming F-150 and possibly the Expedition, both of which are already under development.

The big news with incognito F-150/Expedition is that it boasts cutting-edge towing innovations like a Dynamic Trailer Hitch and Trailer Backup Assist.

The first system guides the vehicle to the trailer.

The later system allows the vehicle to autonomously reverse the trailer (and the vehicle itself) into a parking area. No driver or driver input is required. This system is rather advanced, and probably won’t make it to the production version – at least not for a few years.

Latest Edition: 15/01/2013 @ 19:29:12
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