Useful info and links for identification » What car is this?
What car is this?
Published 13/02/2013 @ 09:56:15, By PietvZ
Dear friends,
Does anybody by any chance know the brand and type of this car? The picture was taken in 1957 or 1958 in The Netherlands.
Thanks in advance!
Latest Edition: 13/02/2013 @ 09:57:14
Does anybody by any chance know the brand and type of this car? The picture was taken in 1957 or 1958 in The Netherlands.
Thanks in advance!

Latest Edition: 13/02/2013 @ 09:57:14
What car is this?
Published 13/02/2013 @ 10:02:21, By PietvZ
Here is another picture, probably taken in the USA:
The car in the background is a Chrysler
Latest Edition: 13/02/2013 @ 10:05:30
The car in the background is a Chrysler
Latest Edition: 13/02/2013 @ 10:05:30
What car is this?
Published 13/02/2013 @ 10:43:19, By Lateef
The car is a 1951 Ford Custom Fordor Sedan, identifiable as a Custom due to the chrome windshield moulding. The one in the link, however, is a De Luxe, identifiable as such due to the rubber windshield moulding.
What car is this?
Published 14/02/2013 @ 10:08:29, By PietvZ
Thank you so much!!!
BTW, isn''t it a 'Ford Custom Tudor Sedan' instead of 'Fordor'? Meanwhile a friend had searched and he concluded that it is a 'Tudor'.
Latest Edition: 14/02/2013 @ 10:13:42
BTW, isn''t it a 'Ford Custom Tudor Sedan' instead of 'Fordor'? Meanwhile a friend had searched and he concluded that it is a 'Tudor'.
Latest Edition: 14/02/2013 @ 10:13:42
What car is this?
Published 14/02/2013 @ 11:09:20, By Lateef
Ah, I forgot that the US Fords Tudors of that era did have rear vent windows, like the Fordor. I previously thought that only the Fordors had them. In that case, it's impossible to determine from this angle whether it's a Tudor or a Fordor - however, based on the thickness of the B-pillar, I'm leaning towards a Fordor.
Latest Edition: 14/02/2013 @ 11:11:35
Latest Edition: 14/02/2013 @ 11:11:35
What car is this?
Published 14/02/2013 @ 16:28:59, By PietvZ
Thanks again, Lateef! Well, most important is that I know now on what sort of car I was sitting. I don't think we'll ever know for sure if it was a four door or a two door car...
What car is this?
Published 14/02/2013 @ 18:59:45, By owlman
Cute photo
Do you remember your little furry friend's name?

What car is this?
Published 14/02/2013 @ 22:09:11, By PietvZ
Owlman, I think I know his name: Tiekie, but that's another theme of investigation

What car is this?
Published 18/02/2013 @ 13:08:59, By Voncarmel
in which movies we see these cars ?
Latest Edition: 19/02/2013 @ 17:39:04
in which movies we see these cars ?

Latest Edition: 19/02/2013 @ 17:39:04
What car is this?
Published 20/02/2013 @ 19:50:25, By Sandie
Seems to be a strangely modified Citroen Saxo.
What car is this?
Published 20/02/2013 @ 19:52:31, By kegare
Thanks. It is a film crew car used for this movie which will be uploaded later on the site:
What car is this?
Published 20/07/2013 @ 14:48:11, By Voncarmel

What car is this and which movie ?