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Cars & Movies » Name the movie. Just some gist and ...a louver.
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Name the movie. Just some gist and ...a louver.
Published 06/04/2014 @ 20:50:17, By cedwa
I remember watching this movie circa 1985-1988 when I was a little boy and don't really remember much about it. The movie involved the plot with a killer. Some parts of the movie were shot at night and there was a rather small breasted woman getting naked near the end (and possibly getting killed too). One more thing I remembered from the movie is there was a grey / black car with a louver. It could be a Porsche, 1950's or 1960's model. I'm not really sure, but I had an impression that the movie looked somewhat like movies classified as italian gialli.
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Name the movie. Just some gist and ...a louver.
Published 30/06/2014 @ 09:23:20, By felixfast
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