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4-Wheeled movie star battle
Published 28/01/2016 @ 23:34:39, By Baube
Have this article in one of my Car and Driver magazines ( had trouble to find it since i thought it was from Road & Track ) . I was sure it was already posted here before (well, maybe it was but i did not found it ) . There is, as they call, it a " not-so-serious " comparison test including some rplicas of iconic cars we see in movies/tv show.....

Just sad they had to left some over ( Bandit's Trans Am, KITT, Ecto-1, etc.... ) but i guess they had to do with the limited amount of pages that were allowed to them . Maybe they should do another part of it with some other cars.... or a special edition with only movies cars... :grin:

Latest Edition: 28/01/2016 @ 23:36:07
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4-Wheeled movie star battle
Published 29/01/2016 @ 22:41:27, By antp
nice :smile:
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