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Is the site down for anyone else?
Published 17/09/2019 @ 15:01:44, By Truck_Guy
This site can’t be reached
The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
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Is the site down for anyone else?
Published 17/09/2019 @ 17:11:23, By antp
To me it works, maybe a temporary problem at your side?
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Is the site down for anyone else?
Published 18/09/2019 @ 02:24:23, By Truck_Guy
To me it works, maybe a temporary problem at your side?

I kept getting that message for most of the day, but now it works again. Very strange.
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Is the site down for anyone else?
Published 18/09/2019 @ 02:46:10, By night cub
It's been working for me all day, on my iPad and my laptop
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Is the site down for anyone else?
Published 19/09/2019 @ 04:20:18, By dhill_cb7
@truck_guy. If I am at my grabd parents their wifi 'blips' as I call it and it goes down for 3-5 mins. They have Comcast.

However when I am home I have Verizon Fios. Might it be your provider?
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