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Pour one out for the Hollywood Buick
Published 14/10/2019 @ 20:47:32, By CougarTim
We're probably all familiar with it: A rusty and faded 1969 Buick LeSabre coupe. Belonging to Cinema Vehicle Services, by my count it has appeared in over two dozen movies, TV shows, and music videos. Most often recently it has been used as a derelict to indicate at a glance that a neighborhood is run down, or a location is abandoned: 9&makeMatch=2&make=Buick&modelMatch=1&model=LeSabre&modelInclModel=on&modelInclChassis=- on&mk=&class2=2&origin=&madein=&madefor=&role=&page=1

Its earliest appearance may have been "NYPD Blue" in the early 1990s:

It's been in "ER", "CSI", "How I Met Your Mother", and was even in a Marvel movie:

Unfortunately, its long and distinguished career may be over. Attached is a picture of how it appears on CVS's website today.

The culprit? Tory Belleci, formerly of "Mythbusters", and some other guy I don't recognize. A series of Instagram posts on September 22 record the sad end. - An unremarkable VW Golf Mk3 is destroyed, but the Buick is worryingly nearby. - The Buick's hard-earned patina has been painted over with green. - I feel ill. - He claims to be filming something called "Dynamite Knights" (A series? A special?), but I have not found any information beyond what he himself has posted.

A 1969 LeSabre is not a valuable car, but I would have thought this one's history would protect it from destruction. :sad:

RIP The Hollywood Buick
1969 - 2019
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Latest Edition: 15/10/2019 @ 00:13:12
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Pour one out for the Hollywood Buick
Published 14/10/2019 @ 21:15:30, By night cub
Boo!!! :benou_menottes:
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Pour one out for the Hollywood Buick
Published 14/10/2019 @ 23:23:11, By Reg1992
Very sad
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