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Another vehicle I need help identifying
Published 03/04/2020 @ 00:29:54, By TV_or_not_TV
Please help me identify this classic American 4-door sedan.
I'll upload some more pictures, in my following posts.
File: SM7.JPEG ( 121.6 KB - 380 )
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Another vehicle I need help identifying
Published 03/04/2020 @ 00:35:14, By TV_or_not_TV
Here's a link to my online album: It contains 5 more pictures.
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Another vehicle I need help identifying
Published 03/04/2020 @ 00:42:35, By night cub
1979-80 Chrysler New Yorker
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Another vehicle I need help identifying
Published 03/04/2020 @ 00:45:33, By TV_or_not_TV
Wow! Once again, thank you so much, night cub! You're the best!
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