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deletions, edits, non-approvals without notice
Published 13/03/2021 @ 18:23:37, By Alpha23
Hey there,

I've submitted quite a lot of screencaps, added time signatures and added substitution pictures in the comments. I've followed the rules as far as I can tell.
Almost none of my submissions were approved, comments were edited or just deleted without any notice. I've had this in the past.

What is going on here?
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deletions, edits, non-approvals without notice
Published 13/03/2021 @ 18:37:43, By antp
Which movie/series were these?
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deletions, edits, non-approvals without notice
Published 13/03/2021 @ 18:39:00, By walter.
We usually delete the too background/too partially visible vehicles, and I personally found several ones here and

About your replacements, we've left you some messages (without a reply so far) which tell you the reason we haven't accepted them yet:
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deletions, edits, non-approvals without notice
Published 13/03/2021 @ 19:52:44, By Alpha23
Aaah ok, that explains quite a lot - the bars.
Thanks for your answer
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deletions, edits, non-approvals without notice
Published 13/03/2021 @ 20:46:30, By walter.
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