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[done] Animal House
Published 30/07/2006 @ 03:42:17, By spreng
This is another car not shown yet on the Animal House page. It is a 1958 Chevy in the driveway of Mayor Carmine DePasto. It is only seen briefly when Pinto brings Clorette DePasto home from the Toga party in a grocery cart. Curiously, the mayor claims later in the film to own the Oldsmobile dealership in town. The timeframe is about October of 1962, so the 1963 models would be available, meaning he was driving a five-year-old car of a different make. Rather odd for someone who owns a new car dealership.
File: file_3644_ok.jpg ( 9.9 KB - 556 )

Latest Edition: 30/07/2006 @ 11:49:56
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Animal House
Published 30/07/2006 @ 11:49:27, By DIEHARD
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