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The Rookie - Suzuki Swift
Published 06/05/2023 @ 17:13:36, By zbory
Totally random Suzuki Swift in an American show.

(S04E14, around 25:20)
File: vlcsnap-2023-05-06-16h59m41s620.jpg ( 116.0 KB - 307 )

Latest Edition: 06/05/2023 @ 17:14:07
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The Rookie - Suzuki Swift
Published 06/05/2023 @ 18:49:28, By Baube
listed here as 1994 Geo Metro

The Swift was sold in North America but had different tail lights

was also sold in Canada as Chevrolet Sprint and Pontiac Firefly for this generation ( in addition to Swift and Metro )
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The Rookie - Suzuki Swift
Published 06/05/2023 @ 20:08:40, By zbory
Didn't know to check under a different brand/name. Thanks for the explanation.
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