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Pick Me Up (2006)
Larry Cohen's chapter in the MASTERS OF HORROR series begins on a deserted road in the middle of nowhere. When a crazed hitchhiker gets accidentally offered a ride by an equally insane truck driver, a young woman (Fairuza Balk) has the bad luck to become the victim of each. In order to make it out alive, she will have to outsmart both men by beating each at his own game.
MCI Bus..
MCI Bus..
Chevy Van..
Freightliner FLD120..
Larry Cohen's chapter in the MASTERS OF HORROR series begins on a deserted road in the middle of nowhere. When a crazed hitchhiker gets accidentally offered a ride by an equally insane truck driver, a young woman (Fairuza Balk) has the bad luck to become the victim of each. In order to make it out alive, she will have to outsmart both men by beating each at his own game.
MCI Bus..
MCI Bus..
Chevy Van..
Freightliner FLD120..