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[done] Rendezvous?
Published 03/01/2007 @ 03:20:24, By bent8rover
Hello. I'm new to the site in recent weeks, I've been contributing towards some of the submissions - been pretty impressed so far, and it's fun.

Ok, I've searched both the Forum and IMCDb main site, yet no mention of C'était un Rendezvous, 1976. I suppose this must've been mentioned before? Was it dismissed due to poor blurred images or something? Well ok, I've sent over some grabs that have been cleaned-up, probably no darker or hard to see than a number of recent contributions :grin:

Use them if you want, it's up to you :smile: (..please no flaming)

All the best for the New Year



Latest Edition: 07/01/2007 @ 22:22:23
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Published 03/01/2007 @ 10:34:43, By antp
We already discussed about this one I think (but I cannot find where), but it was not listed because the main car was not visible and all others were too small & background cars.
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Published 03/01/2007 @ 13:07:08, By bent8rover
Ok. Like I said I could not find any reference. I was following the statement in the FAQ: 'What is the purpose of this site? This site can be used to find in which movie a particular car is visible, or to have more info about some cars visible in a particular movie'

It does not specifically state that a 'main' car has to be visible. It is still a released and commercially sold film, featuring cars.
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Published 03/01/2007 @ 15:00:01, By antp
As I said, in this one all the background cars are really "background". They are not very visible.
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Published 03/01/2007 @ 15:09:51, By bent8rover
the third image above was only ever intended to be listed as 'Bus'

full size images here
agreed, some are not worth using, but are no less easy to detetmine than some accepted postings?



Latest Edition: 03/01/2007 @ 15:11:51
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Published 03/01/2007 @ 16:27:14, By antp
From the full-size picture, I agree that some are quite visible and could maybe be put on the site.
e.g. the Renault 4, the Mini, etc.
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Published 04/01/2007 @ 02:41:17, By ahight
started it...but not sure which were the good cars. would it be easier to upload all of them, then have the bad ones deleted?
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Published 04/01/2007 @ 10:43:03, By antp
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Published 04/01/2007 @ 13:58:46, By bent8rover
I don't quite understand the link with a different 1986 film called 'Un Homme..' or the 1966 original, only that it is same director. I'm surprised, I would have expected much more discussion on this film.

My grabs were direct from my own DVD commercial release, not YouTube etc.

Is this accepted posting really any easier than the Fiat 1500 (image12)?

best regards
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Published 04/01/2007 @ 17:26:26, By DIEHARD
These images seem of good quality, but it seems to me there are much more cars which are seen quite good. In the youtube movie they are to blurry, but on these dvd pictures they rather look good to me...(as would the other cars that might be interesting)
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Published 04/01/2007 @ 17:58:44, By antp
I don't quite understand the link with a different 1986 film called 'Un Homme..' or the 1966 original, only that it is same director. I'm surprised, I would have expected much more discussion on this film.

Well, I also thought that we discussed more. These are just the few past comments that I could find.

Is this accepted posting really any easier than the Fiat 1500 (image12)?

:confused: that one is used, so even if not very visible it has a reason of being listed.
Anyway the Fiat on image 12 is well visible and for sure deserves a page :wink:
Same for the 2CV on image11 and Peugept J7/J9 on image15

The others are less visible, so I personally do not think that it is worth mentionning them "as is", but that's the case of lots of pictures that are on the site anyway

Latest Edition: 04/01/2007 @ 18:01:02
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Published 05/01/2007 @ 00:00:26, By ahight
added 11, 12 and 15
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Published 07/01/2007 @ 22:22:12, By garco
Someone has done this...
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