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your daily mileage record
Published 02/12/2007 @ 17:01:17, By ingo
Two times I made 1200 km in one day.

The first time during my "autodriveaway"-trip 1993 in the US, it was somewhere between Reno/Nevada and Salt Lake City.

The second time in 1998, when I've bought my VW K 70 in San Remo/Italy. Back home it was 1200 km, too.

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your daily mileage record
Published 10/12/2007 @ 02:11:27, By Buc84
1,4xx miles in 26 hours many years ago,in a 1972 Olds 98,from Dallas,Tx/ Whittier,Ca. :topicalacon: (a suburb east of L.A.)It took LOTS of coffee & cokes!!...and a few stops for Gas & Food & Rest Stops? Also did Dallas/Phoenix once in my '95 Crown Vic in about 16 hrs,(Edit: I keep gas/mileage records.I looked it back up.15 hr,37 min.)(about 1,000-1,100 mi,all Interstates)and my very best(or worst,depending on outlook??) was Dallas,Tx to just outside of Louisville,Ky(not sure of miles..700 or so? And rain half the way!!)in 13+ hrs.(Was going to Cincinatti,Oh,Tried going straight thru,but I got too sleepy....I had to pull off...less than 100mi from destination?)Also did Dallas,Tx/Wichita,Ks in 4 hr,45 min(365 mi :banzai: )and New Orleans,La/Dallas,Tx in 8hr,10min(520+ mi)both times were at night,in my '86 Gran Fury.(Note: I went back to edit,seems half of it didn't post,and the smileys were missing.Also corrected the times.)

Latest Edition: 16/12/2007 @ 23:27:05
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your daily mileage record
Published 13/12/2007 @ 07:59:40, By garco
I drive 200 km every day (1 hour to work, 1,5-2 hours back)

When I was on vacation in Canada I drove from Vancouver to Calgary and back (4000km in 11 days) (Chrysler Neon)

On holiday in Austria I drove back 1000 km in 10 hours....(again Chrysler Neon) :ddr555:

Latest Edition: 13/12/2007 @ 08:02:36
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