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Since I was a small school-boy, I've collected the 1:87-scale WIKING-cars. Some I've bought in toy-shops, but I'd preferred to get used ones on collecor-markets and -shops.

But in the early 90ies I've stopped with it, because they are getting more and more expensive. I still have a few hundred WIKING-cars in the plastic-cupboards, but since over 15 years, nothing new was added.

You can guess, what a model was my first WIKING-toy? Yes, a K 70, a red one, I got, when I was 3 years old, from a neighbour, who owned such a car in original. One time I thought. "A K 70 was you first toy-car, so a K 70 shall be your first real car." - so I did.

But I don't collect any K 70-toys! Maybe it sounds strange, but the only two K 70-toys, I own are that redt WIKING and a greenmetallic Majorette with a Streckeman-caravan. which I got, when I was 5 years old.

I've seen the big K 70-toy-collections of 4 of my friends, and I've seen, that I cannot hold on with them (without spending very much money).
So I decided to let them collect the toys, but I wanted to have the world's biggest collection of K 70-literature. This I've reached.
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