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Odd that you say Camrys are rare where you live. Here they pretty much the car. In fact, they're so popular that they've been in the top 5 best selling cars in America for the last twenty years, and have been the best selling car for the last 7 or 8 years. Currently, about half a million are being produced for the American market each year.

I also find it funny that you say they "turn heads", as the majority of people here would think that they are just as boring (or exciting, depending on how you look at it) as other family sedans like an Accord, Taurus, or Impala. Of course I suppose since it's rare in the UK that does contribute to its "head turning" value somewhat, no matter how the actual car may look :think:

Also, I have never really thouhgt of the Camry as being "wide", but I guess compared to the Accord it actually kind of is now that I think about it.
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