Misc » Fellow haters?
Fellow haters?
Published 01/08/2007 @ 04:59:23, By Anti SUV
Hi, names Dave, I’m new here.
I was wondering if there were anyy fellow sport utility vehicle haters in this forum?
I was a little disappointed when I discovered imcdb included them. As you can tell by my web name, i really detest the damn things. I fully support rallying against SUVs and anti SUV groups who hold public awareness as to why SUVs are bad.
I was wondering if there were anyy fellow sport utility vehicle haters in this forum?
I was a little disappointed when I discovered imcdb included them. As you can tell by my web name, i really detest the damn things. I fully support rallying against SUVs and anti SUV groups who hold public awareness as to why SUVs are bad.
Fellow haters?
Published 01/08/2007 @ 09:41:25, By antp
And some other guy (now banned) was disappointed that we were listed Japanese cars

There are no SUV "haters" on the site, just some people that dislike them (G-MANN, me, and some others - though that it is usually against SUVs in cities, not SUVs in general); some other people like them; like in real world, there is a little of everything and you have to do with it

Latest Edition: 01/08/2007 @ 09:42:21
Fellow haters?
Published 01/08/2007 @ 11:11:35, By MBSL65fan
Okay, If someone got banned from IMCDB can't they make a new profile with a new name? I remember that not too long ago someone whose comments were deleted because his name was NotExplorer4x4. All I know is that this Explorer4x4 person was a member who got banned a long time ago.
Fellow haters?
Published 01/08/2007 @ 12:39:54, By G-MANN
Yes, I'm probably the most vocal in my dislike of SUVs, though a few other members aren't too keen on most of them. There are a few SUVs I like (Land-Rover Defender, Mercedes G-Class) and some I find reasonable even though I probably wouldn't have one myself, but I think a lot of them are a waste of space. Often it's the way they are used (or not used) by their owner that annoys me more than the SUV itself, too many people buy them when they have very little use for their offroad capabilties. If there weren't so many of them around, I wouldn't mind them so much. In particular I dislike the luxury SUVs like the BMW X5, Porsche Cayenne and the Hummer H2, I think they are ugly and have this image of being a car that is driven by rich airheads who buy them to show off their wealth and try to look fashionable rather than to go offroad.
Anyway that's where I stand on SUVs. However Dave, or Anti SUV if that's what you want to be called, I hope you've come to this site to look at more than SUVs, we have pretty every kind of motor vehicle on this site, I warn you if you only post comments that complain about SUVs, some of us might get bit tired of it. The comments section of the vehicle pages are really meant to be used for identifying and listing information about vehicle and other relevant comments such as how the vehicle is used in the film etc. It's not really the place to have lengthy discussions and debates about things, sometimes this does happen but it's alright as long as it doesn't go on for too long. When Explorer4x4 was here he used to start big debates/arguements about SUVs and Fords, usually with some inflammatory comment about how great SUVs were and how fuel efficient they actually were (this argument had very little substance) and how American cars were better than European and Japanese cars. He really started to get on people's nerves, he wouldn't listen properly to what other people said, he kept on arguing despite the fact he wasn't going to win, and basically began to act like an ignorant, spoilt brat (he was 14). Eventually he started insulting other members about being old and antp (the manager of this site) finally had enough and banned him. That's just a warning of what can happen if you start to offend and irrate people here. Although you're probably the opposite of Explorer4x4 since you hate SUVs. Remember some of the members here actually own SUVs so be careful what you say. Please don't try to start big debates about SUVs in the comments section of the site, we've already had plenty of those. But if you want to talk about them, you could start a topic in the forum section of the site (where we are now) which is a better place for longer discussions.
Latest Edition: 01/08/2007 @ 12:41:31
Anyway that's where I stand on SUVs. However Dave, or Anti SUV if that's what you want to be called, I hope you've come to this site to look at more than SUVs, we have pretty every kind of motor vehicle on this site, I warn you if you only post comments that complain about SUVs, some of us might get bit tired of it. The comments section of the vehicle pages are really meant to be used for identifying and listing information about vehicle and other relevant comments such as how the vehicle is used in the film etc. It's not really the place to have lengthy discussions and debates about things, sometimes this does happen but it's alright as long as it doesn't go on for too long. When Explorer4x4 was here he used to start big debates/arguements about SUVs and Fords, usually with some inflammatory comment about how great SUVs were and how fuel efficient they actually were (this argument had very little substance) and how American cars were better than European and Japanese cars. He really started to get on people's nerves, he wouldn't listen properly to what other people said, he kept on arguing despite the fact he wasn't going to win, and basically began to act like an ignorant, spoilt brat (he was 14). Eventually he started insulting other members about being old and antp (the manager of this site) finally had enough and banned him. That's just a warning of what can happen if you start to offend and irrate people here. Although you're probably the opposite of Explorer4x4 since you hate SUVs. Remember some of the members here actually own SUVs so be careful what you say. Please don't try to start big debates about SUVs in the comments section of the site, we've already had plenty of those. But if you want to talk about them, you could start a topic in the forum section of the site (where we are now) which is a better place for longer discussions.
Latest Edition: 01/08/2007 @ 12:41:31
Fellow haters?
Published 01/08/2007 @ 12:48:16, By G-MANN
That's just a warning of what can happen if you start to offend and irrate people here.
By the way I'm aware in the past I may have done this to a few other members (particularly a certain English member who is one of the more prolific contributors of vehicle images), by being so pushy about background vehicles. I now regret this since it didn't really achieve anything at the end of the day, I just want to apoligize for this.
Fellow haters?
Published 01/08/2007 @ 14:11:06, By antp
Okay, If someone got banned from IMCDB can't they make a new profile with a new name?
Technically it is impossible to really block "someone". Only e-mail and ip addresses can be filtered. If the "someone" creates another e-mail and goes on another PC (or has a dynamic address), you can only recognize him with the kind of messages that he posts (e.g. identification of Ford Tempo for Explorer4x4, or "please change it" messages for RockerBJ).
Fellow haters?
Published 01/08/2007 @ 14:16:18, By ahight
i've never understood the hatred for SUVs. they've been around for years. i've got a wagon and with two retired greyhound dogs it's too small and i'd been looking at an SUV but just don't have the money right now. when my mom was having issues with her Honda Accord I told her to check out the CRV and she loved it. she has back issues so it's much easier for her to get in and out of, she can actually use the back vs in her Accord it was to hard for her to load/unload stuff from the trunk and she likes being higher up in traffic so she can see better.
i thought this line was odd:
i thought this line was odd:
I was a little disappointed when I discovered imcdb included them.
like we're not going to list them..hahahaha. if I had a choice we'd stop listing Tempo's! they're junk cars anyways.
Fellow haters?
Published 01/08/2007 @ 14:39:30, By antp
and she likes being higher up in traffic so she can see better.
One of the problems actually: you are higher in a SUV but then the people in "normal" cars behind you do not see anything

And as I said previously, for me the problem is mostly in cities: more dangerous for pedestrians, and more difficult to use these big vehicles in our small European streets
Fellow haters?
Published 01/08/2007 @ 17:02:55, By G-MANN
Yes, SUVs are more of a pain in Europe and Britain, where roads are narrower and cities aren't built on a grid system. Large SUVs (even Merc MLs and BMW X5 seem big in Europe, they are considerably larger than the average car) are more suited to America which has no shortage of space. SUVs are particularly annoying in our car parks as they take up so much space, in America car parks have more space. There's also the environmental issue. Admittedly I wouldn't hesistate to buy a gas-guzzling sports car or luxury sedan (if I could afford one), so maybe this makes me a hypocrite, but I kind of wish there weren't so many SUVs around (America seems to have the most) it would be better for the environment. I find myself worrying more and more about climate change. Above all I just can't understand the appeal of an SUV unless you really needed one. A lot of crossover SUVs (X5, Q7, Cayenne) are plain ugly, they seem to be so ungainly, even though some of them are fast (though a fast SUV just doesn't seem safe to me). Would you really rather have a BMW X5 than a BMW 5-series? And don't forget the issue of big SUVs being dangerous to pedestrians and smaller, regular cars if they hit them. But I'm sure you've heard all this before, ahight, God knows I've said all this many times before, so if you still can't understand why some people dislike SUVs, there's probably not much else I can say. But I don't mind the smaller SUVs like the Honda CRV so much, and if your mother has a bad back and finds it easier with the CRV I guess that's OK. But I've never liked this "I like to sit higher than other cars" reason, if you want to sit higher up in traffic, go and ride the bus!
Latest Edition: 01/08/2007 @ 17:04:36
Latest Edition: 01/08/2007 @ 17:04:36
Fellow haters?
Published 01/08/2007 @ 17:16:27, By G-MANN
i've got a wagon and with two retired greyhound dogs it's too small
Oh come on, American station wagons are massive! Well, at least they used to be, they don't make them like that anymore, instead they make SUVs. My family has a labrador (maybe not as tall as a greyhound but a lot bulkier) and a Vauxhall Omega estate, which has plenty of room for him in the back, I'm sure we could fit another labrador in or even a third. And the Omega is not a large car by American standards (in Europe it is), wouldn't a Taurus wagon have just as much room? Or get a Volvo, the V70 probably has as much room as the Omega, though I'm not totally sure. The Omega used to be pretty much the most spacious estate car in Europe, the only cars that really matched it were the Mercedes E-Class estate, the Volvo 740/940 was probably even bigger, though they stopped making them ages ago. I think you should get a Volvo V70. Or the older 940/960 if you need something cheaper. Or even one of those gigantic old American wagons, if you're OK with running an old car. If I was in your situation, if there was a way of getting a car that would suit my needs without it being an SUV, I'd do it. But it's up to you, it's your right to buy whatever you want.
Latest Edition: 01/08/2007 @ 17:22:23
Fellow haters?
Published 01/08/2007 @ 17:43:03, By wrenchhead
I say live and let live. I don't particularly care for SUV's but then I also don't care much for ford, austin, Kia and a lot of others. But I can understand why other people like them and that is no problem for me. This is a car site and if I hope eventually we will have at least one example of every car, truck, SUV or bus ever made anywhere.
I just simply don't understand why people waste time hating something that other people do and never look at their own shortcommings. After all, its real easy, if you hate SUV's or motorcycles or whatever - don't buy one.
I just simply don't understand why people waste time hating something that other people do and never look at their own shortcommings. After all, its real easy, if you hate SUV's or motorcycles or whatever - don't buy one.
Fellow haters?
Published 01/08/2007 @ 18:06:34, By G-MANN
I just simply don't understand why people waste time hating something that other people do and never look at their own shortcommings.
Perhaps we do it to distract ourselves from our shortcomings. But mostly I enjoy having these kind of discussions and trying to persuade people why the SUV craze is bad. I get to pratice my debating skills and I just like to write, I just like to natter about certain things. But I don't belong to any anti-SUV campaign. I don't get angry everytime I see an SUV, I've gotten more used to seeing them around, but sometimes I do when I see the kind of idiots who drive some of them. Today I was in town (Southampton) and I saw a newish black Range Rover, and the tool behind the wheel looked like he was in his early-mid 20s and had no shirt on, just a gold chain. It's really not that hot in England at the moment, it's been raining all summer, I haven't seen many other people without shirts on. He looked the kind of person who worships rap and RnB and tries to follow "urban culture" despite being a relatively wealthy person, in other words someone who looks so stupid you wonder how an Earth they are able to make the kind of money that affords an expensive car like a Range Rover. Maybe he was in fact a Southampton FC footballer, I didn't recognize him as any famous recording artist, I don't follow football so I wouldn't have known who it was if it was a footballer, they're mostly morons anyway. I really wanted to stop and ask him "so, you can afford a Range Rover but not a shirt?". But don't let me writing all this make you think I've been seething about this all day, all I did was say to myself "Good God, what a prick" and kept on walking, I just thought I'd tell you about it.
Latest Edition: 01/08/2007 @ 18:11:07
Fellow haters?
Published 01/08/2007 @ 18:27:05, By G-MANN
I say live and let live.
I don't want to start any arguments here, but if your car got hit by a Chevy Suburban and someone with you was killed, would you say that then? Maybe you could say the same thing would happen if it was a lorry or bus, but at least those things are necessary, a lot of SUV owners could easily manage with a regular-sized car, which would be less likely to obliterate yours if it hit it. Don't get angry, I don't want to offend you, I just wanted to give you something to think about.
Fellow haters?
Published 01/08/2007 @ 19:09:18, By wrenchhead
Quote From: G-MANN
But mostly I enjoy having these kind of discussions and trying to persuade people why the SUV craze is bad. I get to pratice my debating skills and I just like to write, I just like to natter about certain things.
I am a great fan of discussion, debate and friendly argument. However, the subject was HATE. I can happily spend all day debating the SUV (or any other) issue. However, I don't waste time hating them or trying to convince others to hate them.
Quote From: G-MANN
I don't want to start any arguments here, but if your car got hit by a Chevy Suburban and someone with you was killed, would you say that then?
I drive an MG - A big Harley Davidson would probably destroy it. I don't hate everything else on the road just because its bigger. If I got run over and someone in my MG was killed, I wouldn't hate the CAR that hit me but I sure would hate the hell out of the idiot DRIVER that did it.
Latest Edition: 02/08/2007 @ 01:36:10
Fellow haters?
Published 02/08/2007 @ 03:51:10, By wickey
better than hating one type, try to love one with the same energy and you will be a happier person

Fellow haters?
Published 02/08/2007 @ 05:48:56, By Neptune
I fully support rallying against SUVs and anti SUV groups who hold public awareness as to why SUVs are bad.
Ummm, I would hope you don’t support Anti-SUV groups. The majority of Anti-SUV groups cause damage to private property. Some are most noted for Public Arson (setting fire to, and burning Brand-New SUVs while they sit on Dealership lots) Some "SUV Burnings" have caused severe damage to Dealership buildings (I guess they broke into the dealership show room and set fire to the SUVs inside

Here is one account of SUV vandalizing, though this guy was not part of a Anti SUV group, or maybe he was.
I’m no genius, but this is *NOT* the way to get the point across.
I own and drive a SUV, and at the moment no other vehicle besides a SUV will fit my lifestyle. I also use my Sport Utility to the fullest of it’s capabilities. I’m sure when I get older, retire and my kids are grown and gone, I will not need a SUV and therefore buy something a little more tamer in nature.

Latest Edition: 02/08/2007 @ 06:15:06
Fellow haters?
Published 02/08/2007 @ 06:08:58, By MBSL65fan
I remember an eco-terrorist attack in the Summer of 2003 of SUV vandalism in California. If I remember the gang was called "E.L.F."
Fellow haters?
Published 02/08/2007 @ 12:25:58, By Neptune
That’s crazy, Vandalism is wrong and like I said above, that’s not the way to get the point across.

Fellow haters?
Published 02/08/2007 @ 13:22:47, By G-MANN
I thought most Anti SUV groups only put leaflets on SUV's windscreens.