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Yes, "kaputt" (correctly with two t's) is a German word for "broken". It's used for any kind of broken things, if you say "Ich bin kaputt", you man "I'm shaggered out".
Oh, I just have seen at, that the English term "groggy", which we use in the identical meaning, is a bit different in English orgin.

I don't know why, but outside Germany everyone says "Pretzel" - "Brezel" is the orgin.
Once 'd found indeed the term "Pretzel" on one (German made) bag of these little Brezel/Pretzel. One Brezel like this had nearly caused the death of George W. Bush.

By the way, there is one car, which is known as "Brezel". It's the pre-1953 VW Beetle with the two small back windows. If someone says "I own a Brezel", everyone knows, what he means.
Once Ive also heard by VW-freaks the word-creation "Brezel-Golf". It's a nick-name for the 1974/75 VW Golf I/Rabbit with chrome-bumpers, chrome mirrors and the old back panel.

@BlackIce_GTS: This linked text "Gefingerpoken" is not German. But it shall be. :smile:
By the reference, it was a selfmade translation of a manual of a computer in a Scottish university. It's total funny, because everything is written wrong and the most words are new creations.
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