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I wouldn't go near that place on foot or in a car.

Ditto :grin:
But I went to the middle of that place: there is an underground tunnel for pedestrian who do not want to play Russian roulette :lol:

One of those that I fear the more in Brussels is Meiser place:,bruxelles,belgium&sll=- 37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=53.741627,97.294922&ie=UTF8&ll=50.855031,4.398276&spn=0.001322,0- .002969&t=k&z=19

There are few other awful ones, like:,bruxelles,- belgium&sll=50.826825,4.3445&sspn=0.001323,0.002969&ie=UTF8&ll=50.826877,4.34462- 1&spn=0.001323,0.002969&t=k&z=19
which does not work like usual roundabouts... and has traffic lights :crazy: (or if it is not that one, there is another one in that area)
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