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I would repair those small paint "points", aside from that i wouldn't put new exhaustes, i wouldn't change those nice rims that fit nicely to the car by another horrible big ones, as you say, just repair the scratches on the current ones so they look newer (though i don't think i'd waste money repairing that, plausaible is that you will scratch them again with a curve), please no spoilers for a car like that, no body kits either... and..., don't tint the windows, about the xenon, well, as long as that doesn't mean changing the headlight for a completely different one i guess it could look good and make the car have a newer look but even if so... :ohwell: , as for the grill just leave the one you have it's nice the way it is i don't see any need for a new one, as for the LED tail lights i'm not sure how that would fit, it would probably look nicer as long as the headlight itself stays the way it is, but even if so i'd still leave them just how they currently are, they look nice now.

So to sum up, and of course this and what i said before is just my personal opinion i would leave the car just the way it is now, stock, you have a really nice big car which many people would dream to have (that includes myself :wink: ) so like you said on the video just spend that spare money on a travel to San Diego, you'll redeem it more than if you buy parts for your car which doesn't need them :wink:

Hope that was of help :smile:
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