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Call me a square, but I think it looks fine just how it is. I really like things stock, the most modifying I feel comfortable doing to my cars is a pine-tree air freshener on the rearview mirror :grin:

Waaah, that's disgusting! Are you a smoker or is your car full with stinky mould? These are the reasons to put this stuff in the car.
These air freshener are so awful. When I see some hanging (they aren't not so popular any more like i nhte past) in a car, I'm always thinking "Who smells worse, the driver or the car?" :tongue:

P.S. There is a lovely scene with these air fresheners in a movie with Walter Matthau and Jack Lemon (I cannot remember the English title, but it's in the database). Matthau's car is full with these after Lemmon had put as a revenge for something a dead fish under the seats. :grin:

In 1997 I had bought a rotten K 70 as all-day-car from an older couple, both strong smokers - but the air freshener (vanilla) was much worse. No kidding, it was the first thing, I've thrwon out. I had to let the car standing outside with open windows for several days, until it was getting a bit better.
After some months of daily using, I haven't used the car any more and have stored it in my garage. 4, 5 weeks later I had opened the doors again - and the disgusting chemical-vanilla-smell went back!
Later on I'd wrecked the car. The seats, stored in a board with other K 70-upholstery, holded the smell for some more months!
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