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There are even a few Malibu hybrids, though now that GM has discontinued that model they won't be showing up anymore.

Still, in NYC the CV still greatly outnumbers the hybrids. Fleets are hesitant to buy them because they cost so much more. And now that gas is cheap again and will be for the foreseeable future, there is less point to Hybrids than people originally thought a couple years ago when prices were nearly twice as much as they are now.

Many taxi drivers (lease-drivers, that is) don't like the Hybrid cabs either, because the fleets charge an extra premium to drive them over a regular Crown Vic or Toyota Sienna since the purchase price is more. Yes, the Hybrid cars don't need filling up as often, but it is debateable whether that cnacels out the extra cost to lease them.

Not to mention a FWD unitbody Camry or Altima is much less of a durbale workhorse than a tradtional big RWD body-on-frame Ford, which is certainly important when roaming the streets of NYC each and every day for over a quarter-million miles. Only time will tell how they stack up in the end....
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